Yesterday President Obama proposed legislation that would designate12.3 million acres of Alaskan forest as a wildlife refuge, the highest of protected status. Obama’s measure would ban all oil production in the protected area, keeping some 10 billion barrels underfoot. The bill is already under Read More...
Child developmental therapy cannot cure autism in children diagnosed with the disorder, but a new study has found that video intervention could help. Researchers discovered that parents who watched video lessons that showed them how develop their baby’s attention span, communication abilities, Read More...
Electric vehicles (EVs) are the cars of the future, they’re environmentally friendly, and pretty easy to charge—just plug it in over night. But what if you’re one of the millions of Americans that live in an apartment without your own garage? A new company called Powertree aims to solve that Read More...
Every year for the past five years Bill and Melinda Gates have written an open letter talking about their foundation, and the work that it’s doing. In this year’s letter the Gates spoke at great length about the improvements that will be coming over the next 15 years for people in developing Read More...
More and more tech companies are trying to go green, and Amazon is no exception. The web services company announced that it is constructing a 150-megawatt wind farm in Indiana. 150 megawatts provides enough power to serve around 46,000 US homes, however this giant wind facility will be used to Read More...
By 2050 air travel is expected to increase six fold, and greenhouse gas emissions are projected to rise 50 percent. Planes are among the largest consumers of fossil fuels and emitters of greenhouse gases. So any way to save planes gas will surely impact greenhouse emissions. Cambridge University Read More...
Twitter has catalyzed revolutions, is regularly the first place news stories are broken, and if you’ve heard of the #hashtag it’s because of Twitter. Now Twitter is filtering tweets through an algorithm to predict the likelihood of developing heart disease in a given area, and surprisingly—or Read More...
A Swiss team has constructed a plane the flies using only the sun’s energy. The plane’s pilots have plans to circumnavigate the globe, the first solar plane to do so, and have announced the stops they will make on their historic journey. Among the plane’s first stops are China, the US, and Read More...
India is home to about 70 percent of the world’s wild tigers. Once an impressive population of 45,000, because of pollution and hunting the Indian tiger population fell to 1706 in 2011. Now, just over three years later the population has jumped nearly a third and sits at about 2300. Protecting Read More...
Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, where the Ebola outbreak began more than a year ago, are all reporting a decline in the number of new Ebola diagnosis in the past several weeks. Now government officials in Guinea have announced the launch of a campaign to end Ebola in Guinea in 60 days. Officials Read More...