Today’s Solutions: February 12, 2025

Nutrition & Wellness

From learning about the health benefits of turmeric to staying up-to-date with the latest superfood trends, discover the best diet tips to improve your health.

Sexying up ugly produce to red

Sexying up ugly produce to reduce food waste

As we discussed before, 40 percent of food in America gets wasted. To put things in perspective, a third of the food produced globally gets spoiled or squandered before it even reaches consumers, according to the FAO’s conservative estimates. It is a shocking fact that eliminating food waste Read More...

Organic food diet linked to dr

Organic food diet linked to dramatic drop in level of pesticides in the body

The health benefits of organic foods have been recently put into question in the United States by various studies with scientific credentials. This is a rather interesting development given the steady growth of the American organic foods segment in an otherwise stagnant food market. It turns out Read More...

Food prices to come down over

Food prices to come down over coming year, says United Nations

Good news with regard to food reserves comes around too rarely these days to keep silent. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization just informed the world that a plentiful wheat and meat production, together with a strong dollar, will drive down food prices over the coming year. At the Read More...

America’s #1 poultry produce

America’s #1 poultry producer renounces antibiotics

Superbugs have become a major public health hazard in America. Scientific research has conclusively shown that they are caused by the routine sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics by the meat industry. Early March, food giant McDonald’s, one of the largest buyers of chicken in America, announced it Read More...

Community labor creates an oas

Community labor creates an oasis in the Ethiopian desert

Moving mountains is not just a biblical image when political will is present and the community rallies around a common goal. Some 20 years after a severe drought and political turmoil caused a devastating famine that claimed more than a million victims in Ethiopia, a village has successfully Read More...

Food Forward prevents waste an

Food Forward prevents waste and puts food on the table of thousands

As we discussed last week, 40% of food in America gets wasted. To put things in perspective, a third of the food produced globally gets spoiled or squandered before it even reaches consumers, according to the FAO’s conservative estimates. It is a shocking fact that eliminating food waste Read More...

New federal dietary guidelines

New federal dietary guidelines take aim at meat for environmental reasons

Livestock contributes 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. It also causes land degradation, and is a remarkably ineffective way of producing calories in a world plagued by increasingly severe droughts: it takes about 2,5000 gallons of Read More...

Ancient, forgotten bean to sav

Ancient, forgotten bean to save world bean crop from global warming

Once again, Nature's formidable science lab has yielded the solution to a problem that had been haunting scientists: how to preserve bean crops, which provide food security for more than 400 million people in the developing world, from an expected 50% reduction by 2050 given the sensitivity of the Read More...

Seeds of Time soon to bring Sv

Seeds of Time soon to bring Svalbard Global Seed Vault to a screen near you

Hardly a feature-length documentary film has been as necessary and timely as Seeds of Time. The film tracks the history and mission of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault — sometimes called the Doomsday Vault — and its founder Cary Fowler. His endeavor to collect the seeds of some 2 million Read More...

Flowers save the bee that save

Flowers save the bee that saves our food

The decline of bumblebees is reversible, provided these cuddly-looking pollinators are provided with the correct environment to thrive, according to a groundbreaking two-year research study at the University of Sussex. For the first time, researchers demonstrated that reintroducing flowers in the Read More...