Today’s Solutions: December 11, 2024

Optimist Changemakers

Highlighting change-makers nominated by our Optimists around the world for making solutions come to life at a local level. We thank you for sharing these optimistic solutions.

Changing lives with Debate Mat

Changing lives with Debate Mate

For London trial attorney, Margaret McCabe, debate changed her life. It gave her the confidence to appear in court, to talk, and to argue for a living. She decided to bring debating to youth in London and started the nonprofit Debate Mate.  We sat down with McCabe, founder and CEO of Debate Read More...

Firefighting goats and The Oja

Firefighting goats and The Ojai Valley Fire Safe Council

Surrounded by rugged steep mountains penetrated by hot dry Santa Ana winds, the Ojai Valley is particularly susceptible to wildfire, being in the top one percent of regions in the U.S. and the top three percent in California. The region's limited evacuation routes, vulnerable grid dependency, and Read More...