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In a new poll conducted by CBS News, two-thirds of Americans agree that climate change is either a crisis or a serious problem. More than half of those surveyed also said they wanted immediate action to deal with the effects of this climate change. This is big news, because although the rest Read More...
“Gun violence in America is not inevitable; it’s preventable. There are steps Congress can, and must, take to prevent and reduce gun violence.” This quote comes from a letter written and signed by 145 CEOs of U.S. companies this week, including Dick’s Sporting Goods, Levi Strauss, Reddit, Read More...
Low incomes can make accessing healthy food a challenge. But what if the closest grocery store with nutritious options is more than a mile from your home? This is the daily reality for the 6.2% of Americans who live in food deserts: areas where residents do not have the purchasing power to support Read More...
Offshore gas and oil drilling create various forms of pollution that have considerable negative effects on marine life and on coastal communities whose economies rely on tourism and fishing. When oil spills occur, for instance, they can cause irreversible damage to marine habitats and devastating Read More...
Laws focused on natural spaces often hone in on protecting what humans can gain from the natural resource, rather than protecting the space itself. However, “Rights of Nature” laws, which give natural spaces protection as legal entities, are beginning to crop up in an effort to change the Read More...
The president of Molise, an underpopulated region in southern Italy, has a lucrative offer for you. According to the Guardian, if you move to Molise, you will be offered €700 per month for three years to live in one of its villages. That’s €25,000 in three years’ time. There are a few Read More...
In a 21st century crisis, information is dissipated in mass through social media channels. But when the communication stakes are high, such as relaying evacuation notices, bridge collapses, and road closures, how do we decipher what is accurate in the virtual flood of information? Shannon Bowen, a Read More...
A couple of months ago, the United Kingdom announced that it would eradicate its net contribution to climate change by 2050. Be that as it may, this ambitious goal is undermined by the country’s slow-moving pace to overhaul its heavy and energy industries, which are both a major source of Read More...
In a zero-sum game, one person’s win means another person’s loss. Luckily, we are living in a positive-sum world, meaning one person’s achievement can benefit and contribute to the success of those around them, and even all of humanity. This concept applies to scientific innovation, Read More...
As a society, we face challenges every single day, and this week, as Hurricane Dorian leaves its mark on the Bahamas and the rest of the Atlantic coastline, is no exception. Issues include the extreme weather events and destructive acts of nature that are becoming regular occurrences (floods, Read More...