Today’s Solutions: January 22, 2025


Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.

Insect-eye inspired solar cell

Insect-eye inspired solar cells could pave the way to cheaper energy

When it comes to converting sunlight into electricity, the photovoltaic mineral perovskite is just as efficient as silicon and costs just a fraction of the price. The only problem is perovskites are fragile and can deteriorate easily when exposed to the elements. By mimicking a hexagon-shaped resin Read More...

Robotic kelp farms promise a c

Robotic kelp farms promise a competitive, abundant source of carbon neutral fuel

Kelp can be harvested in the ocean and turned into carbon-neutral biofuel. Because kelp can grow more than a foot a day and is easy to process, the production can be cost-competitive with fossil fuels. A startup is using elevators to grow kelp farther out in ocean waters. The technology is Read More...

California wants to change the

California wants to change the law and only allow renewable energy on grid

California lawmakers are considering passing a law that would ensure that eventually only clean energy moves through the state’s electricity grid, a goal nearly unmatched anywhere in the world. The proposal would accelerate the adoption of renewable energy by requiring utilities to obtain 60 Read More...

Renewable energy on track to e

Renewable energy on track to exceed expectations, again

This graph shows clearly that solar and wind energy have been consistently underestimated year after year (the red line in the picture). The leading energy institution in the world, the International Energy Association (IEA) in Vienna (black lines) has been wrong for 20 years. Greenpeace (green Read More...

The neighborhood of the future

The neighborhood of the future is made from homes that are power plants

It the not so distant future your home, every home (and every car!), will be a power station. Connected homes will replace power plants and create autonomous energy-producing neighborhoods. Here’s a story about an experimental neighborhood in the U.K. that is showing what that new reality is Read More...

Solar power to rival nuclear b

Solar power to rival nuclear by end of 2017

According to a recent report by GTM Research, solar power capacity not only continues to surge worldwide, but will rival the amount of nuclear power generated across the globe by the end of this year. And by 2022, says GTM’s Stephen Lacey, the Read More...

Coal-fired power just reached

Coal-fired power just reached a 135-year low in Britain

Coal-fired power has slumped to its lowest level in the UK for 135 years, analysts have said.  The fossil fuel contributed to just two percent of total power generated in July, according to Aurora Read More...

Danish energy cooperative lets

Danish energy cooperative lets consumers collectively build wind turbines

Wolfgang Hoeschele: The establishment of a carbon-neutral energy system requires massive investments in infrastructure such as wind turbines. Because distributed energy systems do not fit the business models of the old energy utilities, they Read More...

139 countries can be fully pow

139 countries can be fully powered by clean energy in 2050, create 24 mln jobs

According to the latest roadmap of the Stanford Solutions Project, 139 countries can get to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 while generating 52 million new jobs; a net increase of over 24 million. The project further estimates an annual decrease in 4-7 million air pollution deaths per year; Read More...

World’s biggest floating

World's biggest floating solar farm goes live on top of a former coal mine

Earlier this week, a new floating solar farm went live in the Chinese city of Huainan above a retired coal mine, China Daily reported. The mine was flooded with groundwater after it went out of service, and, rather than simply losing an energy source, the city decided to get another form of Read More...