Today’s Solutions: January 19, 2025


Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.

Can a whole country run on ren

Can a whole country run on renewable energy?

Can a country run on renewables alone? Portugal has shown that in terms of electricity at least, the answer is yes. For 107 hours in May 2016 the sun, wind and rain powered a nation.It's not just big energy companies who are boosting the green energy infrastructure. Portugal's first renewable Read More...

GE labels floating offshore wi

GE labels floating offshore wind turbines the renewable energy of the future

Commenting on recent developments conducted with French naval shipbuilding and energy company DCNS, GE Renewable Energy has labelled floating offshore wind turbines as the renewable energy of the future. “Floating wind farms are very innovative and can be a crucial part of the energy mix of Read More...

Costa Rica has been powering i

Costa Rica has been powering itself with renewable energy for more than 100 days

Costa Rica has powered its electricity grid for over 100 days entirely by renewable energy. The Latin American country has been run on renewable energy for 121 days and is now aiming for a year without fossil fuels. Last year, renewable energy sources accounted for 99 per cent of the country's Read More...

Researchers want to use old EV

Researchers want to use old EV batteries to help store power for the grid

In four or five years, the batteries in the roughly one and a quarter million electric vehicles currently on the road will start to decline and will have to be replaced. So what will we do with all those batteries that have such much life still in them, but are no longer suitable for cars? Two Read More...

Indian scientists design devic

Indian scientists design device to collect solar energy

Indian scientists have designed a new device they hope will solve one of the biggest problems with the use of solar energy. They call the device a solar tree. Solar trees have metal “branches” extending from a tall, central pole at different levels. Each branch holds a photovoltaic Read More...

South Africa to become wind en

South Africa to become wind energy hot spot (and why we should care)

As recently as 2012, South Africa had very little wind energy capacity—10 MW to be precise—and it had taken ten years to get to that point. Now, in 2016, it is right around 2 GW. That's something like a 1900% increase in four years by my (admittedly math-addled) brain. And according to Read More...

Chinese people want renewable

Chinese people want renewable energy more than anyone, but nobody’s selling it to them

It turns out a staggering number of Chinese people are willing to pay more for renewable energy. But businesses that sell green power to consumers, prolific elsewhere, haven’t yet got a single foothold in the biggest market on earth. A survey of 3,000 Chinese city-dwellers by Ipsos Mori, a Read More...

‘Smart energy’ rev

'Smart energy' revolution to balance electricity demand

A "smart energy" revolution could help ensure that the UK does not suffer blackouts, according to National Grid's new UK chief. Nicola Shaw, its executive director, said technological advances will reduce the need to build new conventional power stations in the UK. An "internet of energy" will Read More...

Millions of used electric car

Millions of used electric car batteries will help store energy for the grid. Maybe.

Once or twice a year, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) founder Michael Liebreich posts a magisterial summation of some trend or set of trends in the energy world. His latest report is about electric vehicles. It’s worth reading the whole thing, but it was an aside about discarded EV Read More...

New solar powered device reviv

New solar powered device revives hydrogen economy dream

Despite a plethora of naysayers, research is progressing apace on deploying hydrogen as a sustainable fuel that also doubles as an energy storage opportunity. The latest development illustrates just how quickly that pace is accelerating. A research team based at Switzerland’s Ecole Read More...