Today’s Solutions: September 24, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

loach swims

Researchers spot Turkish fish for the first time since 1974

Ichthyologists recently came across a surprising discovery in two streams in southeast Turkey. The team was scouring the river when it came across a Batman River loach, a critically endangered fish last spotted in 1974. The hunt for the fish was part of the Search for Lost Fishes project from Read More...

Atacama desert in the Andes, Chile.

Ancient comet solves puzzle of scattered glass in Chilean desert

Across a 75 kilometer stretch of the Atacama Desert in Chile, huge rocks of black and green glass can be found lying around. Researchers picked up on this unusual phenomenon around a decade ago, but they were stumped by this mystery with no reasonable explanation to be found, until now. A team Read More...

little robot device with traditional battery stands next to other robot device with bio energy

New battery biodegrades after a month in soil

E-waste is one of the most rapidly growing and toxic waste streams in the world today, but scientists at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore have come up with a partial solution by creating biodegradable batteries that can actually be buried in soil once they’ve reached the Read More...

child sitting in car seat

New Hampshire mom designs innovative car seat-friendly coat for kids

Anyone with kids knows how difficult it is to put young children in car seats in bulky winter coats. Innovative thinker and mother Dahlia Rizk was all too familiar with this challenge raising her children in the chilly winters of New Hampshire, so she decided to come up with a coat that would make Read More...

Orangutan and her Orangutan Baby in Tanjung Puting National Park.

Researchers determine the evolution path of ancient giant orangutans

Once the dwellers of mainland Southeast Asia, the ancient giant orangutan is now extinct. Today, orangutans are only found in their natural habitat on the two islands of Sumatra and Borneo. These two are classed as different species due to the fact they grew so genetically different from each Read More...

mosquitofish underwater

Mosquitofish are a problem—a robotic bass could be the solution

What kind of feelings does the word “mosquito” bring up for you? Chances are they aren’t very positive feelings and are more along the lines of “annoyance,” or “irritation.” So, it shouldn’t be surprising to find out that the aquatic creature that bears the word “mosquito” in Read More...

Orange an yellow sports jackets for skiing and hiking. This new ventilation system could be key in their design and function in the future.

This textile vent regulates your body temperature by sensing sweat

An innovative new invention has recently come out of Duke University. A team of material scientists recruited physics rather than electronics, to create a ventilation system that can help regulate body temperature. The lightweight material catches thermal energy when dry to power the opening of the Read More...

Woman snowshoeing in winter

Winter Motivation: 4 Benefits of working out in cold weather

We all want to maintain an active lifestyle year round, but as the weather gets colder in the winter months, it can be difficult to find the motivation to put on your sneakers and get outside. Fortunately, there are some distinct benefits to working up a sweat in cold weather. It’s good for Read More...

Woman speech therapist doing speech exercises with with stuttering boy

Novel research could help improve the quality of life of people who stutter

According to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, there are about three million people in the US who stutter. Since stuttering can make it difficult to communicate with other people, it can also take a toll on a person’s quality of life by negatively impacting job Read More...

Image of M.xanthus swarms at 10 times magnification.

This bacteria looks just like Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'

Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh is known as one of the greatest post-impressionists to ever live; most famous for his ingenious use of complementary colors to create the eye catching and emotional masterpieces loved globally. Researchers were recently reminded of his legacy by a type of bacteria Read More...