Today’s Solutions: September 25, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Frozen sign that reads

Drones help scientists gather winter climate data from Gulf Stream

Collecting weather data along the Gulf Stream in severe winter conditions is a challenge, to say the least, for traditional ships with human crews. To make the process easier and more efficient, Saildrone, headquartered in Alameda, California, manufactures surface vehicles that use renewable Read More...

Man receiving a plaster from a medical professional after getting a vaccination.

New mRNA flu vaccine shows success in clinical trials

When the common cold returns each year, so does the rise in flu cases. For younger, healthy people, all this means is the sniffles and a day in bed, but as we get older or develop other health conditions, these seasonal diseases can have a more dramatic, sometimes deadly impact on our Read More...

US will stop financing fossil

US will stop financing fossil fuel projects abroad

The US government has officially halted federal aid to overseas fossil fuel projects. The new policy comes after the US joined nearly 40 other countries in a COP26 pledge to end foreign fossil fuel financing by the end of 2022. The funding change will mean no more US financing for coal plants, Read More...

Oil spill in ocean mixed with sand.

Bug-inspired floating robots can clean up ocean pollutants

Thanks to human behavior, the ocean is cluttered with pollutants like oil and contaminants from drinking water. These materials are harmful to the ecosystem, as they prevent vital oxygen from reaching marine life and are also toxic. Currently, to clean up oil spills, people are sent on ships to do Read More...

Wearable battery opens up new

Wearable battery opens up new possibilities for medical monitoring

Clothing with integrated electronic technology has a huge number of potential applications in the medical field. This technology can monitor vital signs, like breathing and muscle activity, as well as feed these stats back to computers, allowing cross talk between our clothing and machines. One Read More...

Major automaker will incorpora

Major automaker will incorporate parts previously rejected for cosmetic flaws

Global supply chain challenges are making for a stressful lead up to the holiday season, but for one company, it’s actually driving some greener choices. Toyota has announced that the company will now use scratched or blemished parts that would otherwise have been thrown away. The parts, which Read More...

colorful condoms against pink backdrop

8 Innovations that can revolutionize sexual health

The way humans are approaching sexual health is constantly evolving and advancing. Here are eight designs focused on contraception and sexual equity that are challenging how we see and experience sexual health. Grass fiber condoms by the University of Queensland If you are an individual with a Read More...

Rainforest tree

Study: Secondary forest sites are remarkably resilient

Rainforest destruction is happening at an alarming rate around the world, but new research indicates that once these clear cut lands are abandoned, tropical forests can re-establish themselves remarkably quickly. Researchers from Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands analyzed 77 Read More...

Coral reef underwater

First IVF corals successfully spawn on Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) has an exciting announcement: The first generation of IVF coral babies have officially reproduced on a degraded reef. As described by GBRF, coral IVF uses modern technology to breed and distribute corals so they have the highest chance of survival. “Our Read More...

Futuristic charging cable plugged into electric vehicle

This EV charger doubles as a storage device for excess renewable energy

In 2020, there were about 216,000 chargers for electric vehicles (EVs) in the US. That number will have to increase tenfold by the end of the decade, as EV ownership continues to grow at an exponential rate. Accelerating the expansion of EV infrastructure, however, can be quite challenging. A Read More...