Today’s Solutions: September 25, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Patient's heart beat monitor in intensive care unit (ICU).

New AI system helps prioritize and assess ICU patients

A new AI system created by researchers at the University of Washington aims to help doctors during busy periods, like during a global pandemic. How does the technology work? The new algorithm can instruct doctors on which patients need intensive care unit (ICU) treatment and which can be helped Read More...

Engineer working late night on an iPad

This easy tip boosts night shift worker health

In our busy modern world, night shift workers are called upon to keep the world spinning whilst most of us sleep. However, it has been proven that people who work when the sun goes down have a number of health problems associated with this lifestyle. According to the CDC, these include heart Read More...

Satellite over Earth in space

These are the 2021 Hyperspace Challenge winners

The U.S. Space Force has chosen its winners of this year's Hyperspace Challenge. The idea of the competition, which started in 2018, is to develop technology that can be applied to or solve problems in the space domain. The start-ups and universities who come up with the best ideas receive prize Read More...

Teen looking at his phone in front of pink wall

Instagram to launch parental control and time limit features

Following concerning findings about the effect of social media use on teens’ mental health, Instagram has announced plans to implement several new safety and mental health features in early 2022. These include parental controls and a new “Take a Break” feature. New parental control Read More...

Pompeii under a cloudy sky

AI and robots team up to piece together ancient Pompeii frescoes

The Roman city of Pompeii was buried in ash by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79, and has fascinated archeologists since its discovery in the 1700s. Unfortunately, piecing this ancient city back together is no easy feat. To more efficiently reconstruct the ancient city, researchers from the Read More...

MRI imaging of brains.

Researchers invent revolutionary non-invasive brain surgery

Brain surgery is one of the most complex and difficult procedures to carry out. The little box beneath our skull has millions of wires running inside of it, and one wrong interaction with these can have potentially fatal effects. In the majority of cases, this procedure leaves people with a long Read More...

Blue biomaterial polymer made of cells

This new biomaterial can repair damaged organs

When a complex problem like organ damage arises, the solution generally comes from a wide range of experts. Scientists from McGill University combined knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering to come up with a cutting edge technique in regenerative medicine. The group invented a Read More...

Female scientist in a white lab coat inspecting cancer cells and their DNA in laboratory.

Researchers pinpoint the driver of metastasis

Metastasis is the process of cancer spreading through the body. It happens when cells break away from a tumor, traveling around the body to implant themselves in other areas. Unfortunately, this phenomenon renders chemotherapy and immunotherapy pretty ineffective. For decades, the exact mechanisms Read More...

young salmon

This new biodegradable plastic is made of a surprising substance

The world’s plastic pollution problem is one that scientists and eco-warriors are scrambling to solve. Humans have latched on to this environmentally unfriendly material since its invention, and now that we’ve fostered a reliance on it, replacing it or getting rid of it completely has proven Read More...

View of harbor in Vancouver, British Columbia

Facility in British Columbia will revolutionize clean energy for transportation

The ongoing climate crisis has forced us to scrutinize the transportation industry for its reliance on fossil fuels. However, Canadian clean energy company Huron Clean Energy in British Colombia and its partner Carbon Engineering Ltd. are engineering a game-changing fuel made out of the air for Read More...