Today’s Solutions: September 25, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Study: Algae can resurrect tad

Study: Algae can resurrect tadpole brain cells

Essential organisms such as plants, microalgae, and certain types of bacteria carry out photosynthesis. This key process releases oxygen into the atmosphere for the rest of us dependent species to feed off and carry out respiration. Every cell in every living thing on earth respires and is the Read More...

Photograph of ice.

World record broken for coldest temperature ever recorded

With our current knowledge of how temperature works there is no upper limit, this means materials can keep getting hotter and hotter to no end. This is not the case for lower temperatures, with the coldest being termed absolute zero, at -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit or -273.15 Celsius, but scientists Read More...

baby stroller covered by mosquito net

Mimicking cancer therapy has potential application in treating malaria

Parasites are organisms that feed off a host and can sometimes be dangerous to humans by causing disease. One of the most impactful to human health is the strain of Plasmodium, the culprit of malaria. This disease is spread through mosquitoes carrying the parasite which brings about a number of Read More...

Hummingbird-like moth has the

Hummingbird-like moth has the longest tongue of any insect in the world

When Charles Darwin came across the long-necked Angraecum sesquipedale orchid species (also known as Darwin’s orchid) on the island of Madagascar, he had a curious thought: There must be an insect on the island with a tongue long enough to feed itself on the plant. “Good heavens,” he Read More...

Following shut offs and hurric

Following shut offs and hurricanes, Puerto Ricans want a solar future

Puerto Ricans pay nearly twice as much for electricity as mainland Americans, yet random shut-offs and natural disasters like Hurricane Maria often leave many without power. In the wake of the hurricane, a social movement called Queremos Sol was born. Meaning “we want sun,” the movement Read More...

Help scientists locate walruse

Help scientists locate walruses by becoming a walrus detective

The Arctic is under increasing threat due to climate change, and so is the biodiversity that it supports. That’s why the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and the British Antarctic Survey have decided to collaborate with space tech company Maxar Technologies to initiate the “Walrus from Space” Read More...

California opens its first sol

California opens its first solar-powered composting facility

Starting in 2022, most homes and businesses in California will be required to recycle all food and yard waste in their yard debris carts. The effort is part of new state regulation (SB 1383) which aims to divert 75 percent of organic waste from landfills below 2014 levels by 2025. In response to Read More...

This bandage quickly identifie

This bandage quickly identifies the severity of a burn

We recently wrote about a bandage design that indicates potential infection. Now, there’s another smart bandage design in the works. This one, literally called SMART, aims to help first responders evaluate and treat severe burns more effectively. Designed by U.S. Army and Massachusetts General Read More...

Indian student designs safe an

Indian student designs safe and sustainable solar ironing cart

It’s not uncommon to see ironing vendor carts in the streets of Indian cities. These carts offer quick and affordable ironing services, but their irons are often powered by charcoal, creating air pollution issues. To address this, Vinisha Umashankar, a clever 14-year-old student from Tamil Nadu, Read More...

Mustard plant could be the sol

Mustard plant could be the solution to greener aviation fuel

Aviation accounts for about three percent of all global emissions, but coming up with more sustainable fuel sources would significantly gut down on the industry’s footprint. Researchers from the University of Georgia think they have a green fuel solution with the development of a fuel based on Read More...