Today’s Solutions: September 26, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Synthetic starch saves huge am

Synthetic starch saves huge amounts of land and water

You probably use starch while cooking or maybe doing your laundry, but this versatile ingredient has applications in textiles and pharmaceuticals as well. Fortunately, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have found a way to produce this good more sustainably. Current starch Read More...

Scientists continue to unravel

Scientists continue to unravel the medical mystery of identical twins

Dutch scientists have made strides towards uncovering more of the medical mystery that causes some twins to be born identical. Their discovery can help treat congenital disorders that identical twins are disproportionately afflicted with, such as spina bifida. Identical twins form after a zygote Read More...

Scientists develop a snake-ins

Scientists develop a snake-inspired battery that could help save lives

Coming from the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, a novel battery design opens up new possibilities for the future of energy storage by bending and stretching like a snake. Inspired by the morphology of serpents, the innovative design is intended to open new doors in the world of soft Read More...

This new ultra-strong glass is

This new ultra-strong glass is inspired by mollusk shells

If you’ve ever experienced the frustration of a broken phone screen, you’ve probably wished there was a more durable material available for electronics. Thanks to researchers from McGill University, that may soon be a reality. The team has developed a new type of glass, inspired by the inner Read More...

Drone footage shows growth in

Drone footage shows growth in California kelp forests

Kelp is a key pillar of marine ecosystems and a huge carbon sink, but along the California coast, populations have been dwindling in recent years. Overpopulation of sea urchins, which feast on kelp, as well as rising sea temperatures, have devastated these marine forests, but new drone images from Read More...

CRISPR gene-editing restores v

CRISPR gene-editing restores vision in patients with rare eye disease

Researchers from the Casey Eye Institute at the Oregon Health & Science University are reporting the successful use of CRISPR gene-editing to restore vision for patients with a rare eye disease. Leber congenital amaurosis, or LCA, is an uncommon genetic form of vision impairment, but seven Read More...

Australia sends sunshine to Si

Australia sends sunshine to Singapore in gigantic renewable energy project

We’d venture to say that all countries hope to take on renewable energy, especially since all evidence suggests that if we don’t curb our fossil fuel use, the world will go careening into climate catastrophe. However, not all countries have access to the resources needed to make the Read More...

The case for eliminating jaywa

The case for eliminating jaywalking laws

Most of us have probably looked both ways quickly before darting across the street outside of a sidewalk. Whether traffic was light or the crosswalk was simply too far away, jaywalking is a fairly common offense, but data from the California Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) shows that Black Read More...

Ice stupas: How an artificial

Ice stupas: How an artificial glacier is addressing India’s water crisis

Ice stupas were invented in 2013 by Indian engineer Sonam Wangchuk. They are essentially artificial glaciers that take wastewater flowing in the summer months and pump it uphill to be stored as ice during the winter and released once again when spring arrives. For water-scarce regions, they provide Read More...

A new discovery about algae re

A new discovery about algae reproduction could help save coral reefs

The type of algae known as dinoflagellates are valuable for improving the health of corals in warming waters, and now, researchers from Rice University have discovered that they reproduce via sex, meaning that algae sex could be critical for the survival of coral reefs.  The algae reproduce by Read More...