Today’s Solutions: September 27, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Japanese scientists produce la

Japanese scientists produce lab-grown Wagyu beef for the first time

Most of us now know that switching to a plant-based diet is one of the ways that we can help fight climate change and practice impactful sustainability in our own lives. However, for those of us whose favorite meals include dishes like a juicy beef burger, or tender, fall-off-the-bone ribs, Read More...

Students conceptualize pedestr

Students conceptualize pedestrian-friendly addition to local bridge

Like other transportation infrastructure in the country, American bridges have been designed with a car-centric mentality, meaning that many of these structures lack designated paths for cyclists or pedestrians. This is the case for a long bridge in Rhode Island that connects the towns of Jamestown Read More...

Could driving habits and credi

Could driving habits and credit scores be the earliest indicators of dementia?

Early detection is critical for successfully treating Alzheimer’s and dementia, but what if identifying the first noticeable symptoms is already too late for adequate treatment? An emerging field of research is looking for clues outside of traditional medical diagnosis to accelerate dementia Read More...

Thought Leader Series: Julian

Thought Leader Series: Julian Spector on Hawaii's renewable future

This Thought Leader Series piece was originally published in Canary Media's August 19, 2021 Newsletter. BY Julian Spector Last week I visited Oahu, Hawaii's most populous island, which is currently girding itself for the closure of the state's last coal plant. My mission: to figure out how Read More...

Solar power in Australia overt

Solar power in Australia overtakes coal for the first time

Coal plants are some of the largest contributors to the energy sector’s hefty environmental footprint. Transitioning the sector away from these dirty fossil fuels can go a long way in helping us become a carbon-neutral world. While Australia still has a considerable number of coal plants, Read More...

The Optimist View: Fighting Fi

The Optimist View: Fighting Fire with FireーRethinking wildfires with Indigenous wisdom

“Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence.” - Mourning Dove BY Amelia Buckley As wildfires continue to rage around the Western United States, Greece, Turkey, and more, I reached out to my Read More...

This plastic-free recyclable c

This plastic-free recyclable cooler uses wool to keep things cool

While it is an effective insulation material, the polyurethane foam typically used in coolers is difficult to recycle, involves harmful chemicals in its production, and releases noxious gases during decomposition. All of these environmental setbacks are what has prompted a startup, called Wool Read More...

New MIT invention could help c

New MIT invention could help control prosthetic limbs more precisely

In prosthetics, the most common technology for controlling limbs is called electromyography. This technique records electrical activity from the muscles, but only provides only limited control of the prosthesis, preventing users to move the artificial body part the same way they would move a Read More...

Texas A&M launches center

Texas A&M launches center for insect farming research

Eating crickets for breakfast may sound unconventional, but this unlikely ingredient could potentially provide protein-rich food to the millions currently lacking it. We’ve written before about the environmental and dietary benefits of insect protein. Now, Texas A&M AgriLife Research has Read More...

Automated aircraft towing tech

Automated aircraft towing tech aims to save fuel and cut emissions

Airlines consume billions of gallons of jet fuel every year to transport passengers around the world. About five percent of that fuel is used on the ground, as airliners have to run their jet engines to taxi along the runway, generating a lot of carbon emissions in the process. A novel in-ground Read More...