Today’s Solutions: September 27, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

This device combines solar and

This device combines solar and human energy to generate electricity

An average person creates 100 to 150 watts of power while riding a stationary bike. That energy, however, usually remains untapped, causing users to miss out on a great opportunity to generate their own green electricity. In fact, by harnessing the biomechanical power generated by a stationary Read More...

Babbling bats: Winged mammals

Babbling bats: Winged mammals could teach us about human language

You may not think humans have much in common with bats, but it turns out these nocturnal creatures may provide critical insights into human language development. Researchers from the Museum of Natural History Berlin spent many months studying bat colonies in Panama and Costa Rica and found that in Read More...

This smart wheelchair enables

This smart wheelchair enables users to climb stairs and adjust height

Here at The Optimist Daily, we are big proponents of technologies that move the world forward in an inclusive and thoughtful way. That’s why we’re happy to share with you BRO, a futuristic, stairs-climbing wheelchair developed by Scewo, which aims to offer people of restricted mobility the Read More...

This lab-fermented chocolate s

This lab-fermented chocolate solves the industry’s child labor problems

About 20 years ago, chocolate companies have pledged to phase out child labor on cocoa plantations. Fast forward to today, the issue remains widespread across the industry, especially in West Africa, where 70 percent of the world’s cocoa beans are grown. Progress has also been slow in cutting Read More...

You will soon be able to feed

You will soon be able to feed your cat lab-grown mouse-meat snacks

Most of the food that we feed or pet cats and dogs is meat-based which, as you can imagine, has its negative impacts on the environment. In fact, producing meat for our cats and dogs has a footprint of about 64 million tons of carbon emissions — that’s more than a quarter of the environmental Read More...

This 3D-printed glioblastoma t

This 3D-printed glioblastoma tumor is the first of its kind

Researchers at Tel Aviv University (TAU) have accomplished an impressive feat: they are the first to 3D print an active glioblastoma tumor in a brain-like environment, complete with blood vessels supplying the mass. It’s the most comprehensive replication of a tumor and surrounding tissue to date Read More...

Volvo will soon use fossil-fre

Volvo will soon use fossil-free steel to make its electric trucks

Earlier this year, Volvo pledged to go all-electric by 2030, while making its entire business operations (including its supply chain) climate-neutral by 2050 — all in a bid to do its part in the fight against the climate crisis. To that end, the carmaker has recently made a deal with Swedish Read More...

New tidal energy design harves

New tidal energy design harvests double the energy from ocean waves

Tidal energy could soon hit record conversion efficiency thanks to a new development from scientists at Australia’s RMIT. The engineers have developed a novel design for a convertor that they claim operates with far greater efficiency than current systems. They hope the breakthrough could pave Read More...

Remote Northern Ireland island

Remote Northern Ireland island aims to become carbon neutral by 2030

A UK island has just committed to becoming carbon neutral by the end of the decade. Lying six miles off the coast of Northern Ireland, Rathlin Island has only been connected to the electricity grid since 2007. About 150 people live on the island and they want to produce their own wind and wave Read More...

California’s new energy code

California’s new energy codes push an all-electric housing future

As more cities embrace natural gas-free futures, the US’ most populous state is giving the concept of all-electric homes a big legislative push. California has approved new energy codes that will incentivize electric appliances and efficient heating and cooling systems. Approved by the Read More...