Today’s Solutions: September 27, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

How cities can brace themselve

How cities can brace themselves for the rising risk of cyberattacks

Cyber threats are a growing concern among both national and local governments, and unfortunately, old systems with multiple points of entry make most municipalities an easy target. The good news is that some preventative measures can vastly improve the security of both private and public systems, Read More...

This Washington state county i

This Washington state county is the first in US to ban fossil fuel infrastructure

Whatcom county’s city council has approved a landmark environmental measure banning all new fossil fuel infrastructure including refineries and coal-fired power plants. The climate action policy was unanimously approved by the council and also requires existing fossil fuel companies to offset any Read More...


THE OPTIMIST VIEW: Invoking the Pause 一 Funding environmental changemakers

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead We’re all familiar with major names in philanthropic giving like MacArthur, Rockefeller or Ford, but there are hundreds of lesser known Read More...

Scientists are testing out rai

Scientists are testing out rain induction in the UAE

The effects of climate change are being felt around the world and in the Middle East, where rising temperatures and decreasing rainfall threaten the habitability of the region, the situation is particularly dire. Scientists in the UAE are taking a new approach to this problem and are testing a type Read More...

Meet BB: The beach cleaning ro

Meet BB: The beach cleaning robot

Cigarettes aren’t just bad for the smoker’s health. They also lower the air quality for everyone around them and they are the world’s most littered item, with a grand total of 4.5 trillion cigarette butts making their way into our environment every year. While the number is jarring Read More...

This app recognizes bird songs

This app recognizes bird songs in the name of conservation

Our world has lost a third of bird populations since 1970, but unlike elephants and pandas which are constantly referenced in discussions surrounding species loss, many people don’t even realize how quickly avian species are disappearing. Fortunately, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is working to Read More...

Exoskeletons improve bowel fun

Exoskeletons improve bowel function in patients with spinal cord injury

Following a spinal cord injury, damage can occur to the nerves that allow a person to control bowel movements. This often leads to constipation and uncomfortable bowel and bladder accidents — one of the most common problems reported by people who experience a spinal cord injury. That problem, Read More...

The Olympic Games showcase Jap

The Olympic Games showcase Japan’s ‘hydrogen economy’

When Naomi Osaka lit the Olympic flame in Japan last week, it not only marked the start of the Olympic Games, but also showcased the increasingly important role that hydrogen plays in the country’s drive towards a greener future. For the first time ever, hydrogen is powering both the Olympic Read More...

These solar-powered meeting po

These solar-powered meeting pods take remote work to a whole new level

As the pandemic has normalized remote work, designers are coming up with innovative solutions that could change the future of work for the better. In a bid to achieve exactly that, furniture studio Duffy London has designed the Minka Solar Pod. The project is essentially an outdoor office pod that Read More...

The “Frozen Zoo” could be

The “Frozen Zoo” could be endangered species' last hope

The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is home to the world’s last two remaining northern white rhinos. The future is bleak for this species, but the alliance’s special Frozen Zoo is hard at work to ensure that the legacy of these species is not lost forever. First and foremost, what is a Read More...