Today’s Solutions: September 27, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

New York City Department of Sa

New York City Department of Sanitation adds all-electric vehicles to fleet

The New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) acquired their first all-electric garbage truck in September 2020, and after successful testing in Brooklyn, the city has announced plans to purchase and deploy seven more all-electric models. The trucks will be purchased from Mack Trucks, part Read More...

This life-saving device stops

This life-saving device stops bleeding from stab wounds in under 30 seconds

A stabbing victim can bleed to death in under five minutes, so stopping blood loss is extremely important. To address this, Loughborough University design and technology student Joseph Bentley created a device that can quickly stop a gash from bleeding. The device, which he calls REACT, is Read More...

Bacteria in cow stomachs are o

Bacteria in cow stomachs are one solution to plastic pollution

As our world’s plastic pollution crisis intensifies, researchers are increasingly searching for new and innovative ways to address the problem. Enzymes and circular design have shown real promise, and the latest plastic waste solution comes from an even more surprising source: cow Read More...

Volcanoes could become green s

Volcanoes could become green sources of valuable tech metals

While it’s crucial that we transition to renewable energy to reverse climate change, many of these technologies require rare metals, the mining of which has worrisome environmental impacts. That, however, could soon become a problem of the past, thanks to new Oxford research which investigates a Read More...

This UK city is making its urb

This UK city is making its urban space greener with bee-friendly bus stops

About two years ago, we wrote about an amazing bee-friendly initiative in the Dutch city of Utrecht. Looking to make its urban space as accommodating as possible to pollinators, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands decided to adorn hundreds of its bus stops with green rooftops — thus Read More...

Night trains are gaining steam

Night trains are gaining steam again in Europe

As most of us went over a year without travel, the month of July is extremely exciting for those who are planning to dust off their backpacks and suitcases to take advantage of the easing travel restrictions across Europe, which took place on the first of this month. However, travel may look Read More...

MIT scientists recycle plastic

MIT scientists recycle plastic bags to develop a new sustainable fabric

Plastic grocery bags are one of the most pernicious types of plastic waste. Now, scientists say they have developed a technique that could recycle plastic bags into the fabrics of the future. MIT researchers have come up with a method that can transform polyethylene into lightweight fabrics that Read More...

CRISPR technology shows promis

CRISPR technology shows promise in treating rare genetic disease

CRISPR technology has been used to successfully treat sickle cell disease, and now, the CRISPR gene-editing tool has been shown to work safely and effectively when used inside the patient’s body, or 'in vivo,' for the first time. CRISPR conducts cut-and-paste edits to the genome inside cells, Read More...

Artificial intelligence and na

Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology may help solve world hunger

According to the United Nations, about 840 million people will experience hunger by 2030. This growing global challenge to feed people will only be exacerbated by climate change, increasing populations, and degrading soil quality. Some researchers, however, claim that artificial intelligence and Read More...

This brain implant will stop m

This brain implant will stop migraine pain in its tracks

Nothing stops you from having a productive day like a head-splitting migraine—but luckily, researchers at New York University (NYU) are working on a brain implant that will stop a migraine in its tracks before you even feel it. The implant has only been tested on rats, but the results are Read More...