Today’s Solutions: September 28, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

8 incredible ways to use wood

8 incredible ways to use wood you probably didn’t know about

From furniture to building parts, wood is so ubiquitous that we often take it for granted. However, this commonplace material has been used for millennia and plays a crucial role in our journey to achieve a circular economy. In fact, this versatile material can now be found in a variety of everyday Read More...

Brain-computer interface enabl

Brain-computer interface enables paralyzed man text with his thoughts

Neuroscientists from Stanford University have just made history by successfully converting brain activity related to handwriting into actual text in real-time. The team, working together with the BrainGate consortium, achieved the feat thanks to a new brain-computer interface (BCI) that could Read More...

Spatial data mapping protects

Spatial data mapping protects migrating animals around the world

We recently wrote about an agreement that sets aside migration corridors for monarch butterflies to help them travel safely. These corridors involve long strips of plant-rich land to offer food and shelter for endangered monarchs, but butterflies aren’t the only species that rely on safe Read More...

Study: MDMA-assisted therapy i

Study: MDMA-assisted therapy is an effective treatment for PTSD

We at The Optimist Daily have written before about how psychedelic-assisted therapy can offer mental health relief and even help save the environment. Now, the journal Nature has published data from the phase-III clinical trial results on MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, and the outcome is Read More...

This offshore floating solar p

This offshore floating solar platform can withstand hurricane winds

As the threat of climate change intensifies, countries are beginning to take a serious look at the logistics of stepping away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources. Building offshore renewable energy infrastructure is a key aspect of this transition, and engineers are now working Read More...

Electric car manufacturing to

Electric car manufacturing to be cheaper than combustion engines by 2027

Electric cars and vans will cost less to manufacture in Europe than conventional vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2027, according to a new BloombergNEF study. Commissioned by nonprofit Transport & Environment, the study sheds new light on the future of electric transportation, Read More...

Heineken is turning wasted bee

Heineken is turning wasted beer into sustainable energy

When the pandemic forced us into lockdown, many of our favorite watering pubs, bars, and restaurants had to throw out millions of dollars of stock. In the UK, the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) estimates that about 87 million pints of beer have been tossed as a result. Fortunately, the Read More...

Scientists use human hair from

Scientists use human hair from barbershop to improve solar cell efficiency

In recent years, perovskite solar cells have emerged as a promising technology in the field of renewable energy, showing potential to outperform the monocrystalline silicon solar cells widely used today. One of the main challenges that have so far restricted them from large-scale adoption is that Read More...

Study: Current Covid-19 vaccin

Study: Current Covid-19 vaccines highly effective against existing variants

As scientists marveled at the incredible efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, their only concern was how these vaccines would stand up against more contagious variants of the disease. Many are breathing a small sigh of relief as a new study finds that current Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines Read More...

IBM develops the world’s sma

IBM develops the world’s smallest and most powerful microchip

For years, the tech industry has been seeking hardware that’s smaller, faster, cheaper, and more energy-efficient, constantly driving microchip innovation forward. Now, IBM has achieved another important milestone in this audacious technological endeavor by announcing that it has created a Read More...