Today’s Solutions: September 28, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

It’s International Dark Sky

It’s International Dark Sky Week. Here’s how to celebrate

International Dark Sky week was established in 2003 by high-school student Jennifer Barlow. It aims to reduce light pollution and encourage people all around the world to appreciate the beauty of the night sky. This year, Dark Sky Week runs from April 5th through the 12th. We’re already part way Read More...

Five sustainable brands pionee

Five sustainable brands pioneering the adaptive fashion movement

Sustainable fashion is on the rise as consumers increasingly opt for second-hand clothing or demand transparency and accountability from their favorite brands. But this doesn't mean sustainable style is accessible to everyone. Plus-size people have fewer options for ethical and eco-friendly Read More...

How to make EV infrastructure

How to make EV infrastructure more equitable

The federal government and various US states have put significant emphasis on electric vehicles as a path towards a net-zero future, but expanding EV infrastructure is critical to making this transition happen.  Unfortunately, electric vehicle and charging station access is significantly Read More...

How making sense of a scent ca

How making sense of a scent can help protect coral reefs

Have you ever thought about what corals smell like? Caitlin Lawson, Marine biologist at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia, has made it her mission to collect the gaseous, smelly chemicals that corals release under different conditions with the hope that a deeper understanding of Read More...

AI can help doctors improve ki

AI can help doctors improve kidney transplant success

Kidney transplants can significantly prolong the life expectancy of patients, but over time, some recipients may experience complications, putting them back on dialysis when their kidneys begin to fail. In an effort to predict when that would happen, Halifax kidney specialist Dr. Karthik Read More...

New battery production method

New battery production method could yield safer and cheaper electric cars

Conventional lithium-ion EV batteries use liquid electrolytes that require sophisticated and expensive cooling systems to prevent the technology from overheating and getting damaged. In an effort to provide a better alternative, scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a Read More...

The power of cartography for a

The power of cartography for advocacy in Panama's indigenous communities

26-year-old Carlos Doviaza is a self-taught cartographer, but his maps are making a real impact among indigenous communities in Panama. An indigenous person himself, Doviaza feared that these communities, which make up 12 percent of Panama’s population, would be disproportionately affected by the Read More...

Scientists develop robodogs fo

Scientists develop robodogs for the visually impaired

Robot dogs with laser vision may sound like the main characters of a Saturday morning cartoon, but don’t be surprised if you see one out and about in the future. A team of scientists from the University of California, Berkeley, published a study on March 26 that detailed their robodog prototype Read More...

The UK announces program to mo

The UK announces program to monitor the world's oceans

The ocean has always been a source of wonder and inspiration. Many have dedicated their entire lives to uncovering the mysteries of the ocean, but there is still so much we don’t know. This past Saturday, the UK announced its mission to fund a worldwide effort to monitor wildlife in the open Read More...

Scientists collect animal DNA

Scientists collect animal DNA from the air in a world’s first

For the first time ever, scientists have demonstrated that animal DNA can be collected from the air — a breakthrough that could revolutionize forensics, conservation, and even epidemiology. Collecting environmental DNA (eDNA) is nothing new in itself. Ecologists have previously collected eDNA Read More...