Today’s Solutions: September 28, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Traditional Chinese medicinal

Traditional Chinese medicinal herb shows promise as male contraceptive

The introduction of contraceptive methods was groundbreaking for women’s reproductive rights, giving them the power to decide when and if they wanted to have kids without forfeiting sex. However, since then, responsibility for reproduction and contraception has been shouldered primarily by women. Read More...

This tiny truck brings vaccine

This tiny truck brings vaccines to those who cannot travel easily

For people who may not have the option to travel to a medical center to get vaccinated, a company called Ayro has a solution: bring the vaccination to them via an electric vehicle equipped with an ultra-cold freezer. The vehicle is a modified version of the tiny food trucks you might see at a Read More...

Sunne: The chic solar-powered

Sunne: The chic solar-powered lamp everyone will want in their home

Big industries, such as agriculture and transportation, are starting to move toward renewable energy to create an eco-friendly future, but if we want to maximize the benefits of renewable sources, we must embrace them in our homes and everyday lives. The democratization and normalization of Read More...

Scientists design underwater e

Scientists design underwater elevator that boosts kelp growth four fold

As the production of biofuel continues to increase, so does the need for sustainable feedstocks. Corn, canola, and sugarcane have all been used to produce biofuels, but the problem is that these feedstocks require land to grow on as well as a lot of resources such as water and fertilizers. Kelp Read More...

Meet Wisdom, the 70 year old a

Meet Wisdom, the 70 year old albatross that just hatched another chick

When biologist Chandler Robbins first tagged Wisdom the Laysan albatross in 1956, he probably had no idea that the oceanic bird would long outlive him. But here we are in the year 2021, and Wisdom is still alive and mating. In fact, Wisdom has just hatched another chick at the tender age of 70. Read More...

Canada will invest $2.75 bn to

Canada will invest $2.75 bn to boost its fleet of zero-emission vehicles

Last week we shared a story about the UK’s plan to increase the number of zero-emission buses on its streets. Now Canada is following suit by unveiling a $2.75 billion investment to electrify its transit system over the next five years — with the aim to pave the way for a net-zero emissions Read More...

Energy utilities collaborate t

Energy utilities collaborate to stretch EV charging network across 16 states

Imagine if you could take a road trip across the entire continental US in an electric vehicle without worrying about getting stuck without a charging station. This is the goal of the newly formed Electric Highway Coalition, a collaboration between six big regional utilities that aim to make Read More...

The UK plans to test a new fle

The UK plans to test a new fleet of zero-emission buses on its roads

Cities across the world are making efforts to cut air pollution and reduce the number of combustion engine vehicles on their streets. Low- and zero-emission vehicles are starting to play an increasingly bigger role in achieving these goals. With that said, the UK has announced that its public Read More...

A first for invertebrates: Cut

A first for invertebrates: Cuttlefish can delay gratification

Have you ever heard of the “marshmallow test?” It’s a type of experiment designed at Stanford in the 1960s by Walter Mischel to test whether human children have the self-control to wait for a better reward. In essence, the children were given a choice between having one marshmallow now or Read More...

National Parks are leading the

National Parks are leading the transition to all-electric federal fleets

The US government has announced plans to transition all federal fleet vehicles to electric models and what better place to start than the country’s most valuable natural spaces: National Parks.  Zion National Park has officially received a federal grant to transition all of its shuttle buses Read More...