Today’s Solutions: September 28, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

NASA aims to introduce electri

NASA aims to introduce electric systems to commercial airplanes by 2035

NASA’s reputation may be centered around outer space exploration, but the reality is that America’s space agency has made great contributions to life down on Earth. In that light, NASA has announced a new partnership with the aviation industry in order to bring electric systems to commercial Read More...

Could this be the solution to

Could this be the solution to antibiotic-resistant bacteria?

We recently shared an article about a new technique to better treat infections and reduce the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but as these superbugs become more common, we will need a multi-pronged public health response to the crisis. Another potential solution for this problem is Read More...

Watch this stunning video of N

Watch this stunning video of NASA’s Perseverance Rover landing on Mars

Last week we shared the exciting news about NASA’s Perseverance Rover successfully landing on Mars, ready to begin searching for evidence of past life. Now the rover has sent back astonishing video footage of its touchdown, giving us the most intimate look ever at the process of a spacecraft Read More...

New amputation technique gives

New amputation technique gives amputees more control over prostheses

Physically healthy humans often take for granted the amazing mechanisms at work that allow their bodies to function. The fact that we can keep track of where our limbs are without visible confirmation is something we probably never marvel at, but it’s actually the result of incredible Read More...

Maersk’s first carbon-neutra

Maersk’s first carbon-neutral ship to set sail 7 years ahead of schedule

Shipping accounts for around 2 percent of the planet’s energy-related carbon footprint. To shrink those emissions down to zero and in line with the Paris Agreement, the shipping industry needs to urgently find alternative, more efficient fuels to power its oceangoing vessels. Well aware of the Read More...

Yale scientists use patientsâ€

Yale scientists use patients’ own stem cells to repair injured spinal cords

Spinal cord injuries can cause serious damage to a person’s motor functions. To make matters worse, the spinal cord is one of the few parts of the body without the ability to repair itself. Recently, scientists at Yale University attempted to repair the injured spinal cords of patients via Read More...

Scientists develop space solar

Scientists develop space solar panel that could power remote areas on Earth

Scientists at the US Department of Defense have successfully tested a solar panel capable of beaming electricity to any point on Earth from space — a milestone that could reshape the future of how we power our planet. The size of a pizza box, the technology was designed by researchers at the Read More...

How Sevilla is turning its lef

How Sevilla is turning its leftover oranges into electricity

The city of Sevilla is proving there is more than just one type of juice you can produce from oranges. In a new pilot scheme, the southern Spanish city will start producing electricity from leftover oranges by capturing the methane from the fermented fruits and using it to drive a generator. Read More...

The path to making zero-carbon

The path to making zero-carbon travel is accessible to all

The increasing acceptance of electric vehicles is motivating office garages, retail outlet parking lots, highway corridors, and residential complexes across the US to install more EV charging stations. That said, the installation of EV charging infrastructure is happening more prominently in Read More...

Designer creates marble-like b

Designer creates marble-like building blocks using salt from the Dead Sea

Finding sustainable alternative building materials is key to reducing the environmental footprint of the construction industry — one of the world’s largest contributors to climate change. According to Israeli designer Erez Nevi Pana, sea salt could be one of these materials. In an effort to Read More...