Today’s Solutions: September 29, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Modified psychedelic drug coul

Modified psychedelic drug could offer mental health relief without the side effects

Research into the use of psychedelic drugs for long term anxiety, depression, and PTSD relief is one of the fastest-growing fields in mental health research. Now, researchers at the University of California, Davis, are seeing if they can narrow down these benefits into more widely available Read More...

Scientists use 3D printer to c

Scientists use 3D printer to create fungus-based soundproofing material

When it comes to producing acoustic insulation, the materials typically used are synthetic or mineral-based materials. While these materials are effective, they are not easily recyclable and the production process is usually quite energy-intensive. In search of a greener alternative, Read More...

New AI microscope could improv

New AI microscope could improve tumor removal accuracy

When it comes to tumor removal, the main goal is to remove all cancerous cells from the body, but the only way to know if this was successful is to look at the tumor under a microscope after surgery. Fortunately, there may soon be a more effective technique to ensure patients are cancer cell-free Read More...

Medical gun that fires off ‘

Medical gun that fires off ‘skin substitute’ is now treating patients

In July of 2019, we shared exciting news out of Israel when a startup invented a mechanical contraption shaped like a toy gun that spins out a ‘skin substitute’ to cover and heal wounds. Today, we’re happy to share that the device has moved beyond the prototype phase, with doctors across Read More...

Why Japanese scientists are de

Why Japanese scientists are developing satellites made of wood

According to the World Economic Forum, there are nearly 6,000 satellites circling the Earth at the moment. About 60 percent of them are no longer operational, meaning that they are nothing else than space junk flying at incredible speeds. Experts have warned of the increasing threat of space junk Read More...

A paralyzed man just fed himse

A paralyzed man just fed himself using thought-controlled robotic hands

It’s been decades since Robert “Buz” Chmielewski could properly move his arms. A surfing accident robbed him of this ability as a teenager, causing him to be paralyzed from the neck down. But now, over 30 years since the accident, Chmielewski was able to cut food and serve himself thanks to a Read More...

China will soon open up its ma

China will soon open up its massive FAST telescope to global astronomers

Astronomers around the world will soon get an exciting opportunity to observe the sky like never before when the world’s largest Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) opens up to the global scientific community starting April 1st. Located in China, the “Sky Eye” parabolic dish is a Read More...

New flower species discovered

New flower species discovered in 100-million-year-old amber fossil

You might know amber for its aesthetic appeal, but for paleontologists, the gemstone is a thrilling way to find answers to big questions about the evolution, extinction, and conservation of ancient ecosystems. One of the latest amber discoveries to offer such extraordinary insights comes from Read More...

Exercising in the cold could b

Exercising in the cold could boost body’s ability to burn fat

The winter holidays are the perfect time to relax and enjoy the company of your loved ones. Unfortunately, it’s also a time where people tend to eat too much and exercise too little. If you need to burn off some fat after the winter holidays, a new study suggests that working out in the winter Read More...

New technique turns carbon dio

New technique turns carbon dioxide into jet fuel

As the aviation industry seeks to shrink its environmental footprint, a new development from Oxford University may just help airline companies reach their carbon-reduction goals. The new technology involves an experimental process that can turn carbon dioxide into jet fuel. If successful, it could Read More...