Today’s Solutions: September 30, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Breath test detects 80 percent

Breath test detects 80 percent of cancer cases in first trials

Scientists in Australia have developed a special breath test that can quickly detect head and neck cancers with a high degree of accuracy. Around the world, head and neck cancers account for six percent of all cancers and kill around 300,000 people. Treatments can be effective, but that’s only Read More...

3D-printed decoy eggs are trac

3D-printed decoy eggs are tracking down illegal wildlife traffickers

Kim Williams-Guillén became inspired to create decoy turtle eggs after watching a TV show called The Wire. In one episode, two police officers plant an audio device in a tennis ball to record a suspected drug dealer. Williams-Guillén had her "aha" moment while watching this, and was inspired to Read More...

In the future, this gravity-de

In the future, this gravity-defying robot could help the elderly do chores

Earth’s population is rapidly aging. Whereas today there are ten people under age 65 for every one senior, the United Nations projects it will be just five to one by 2050. In some countries like Japan, it’ll be less than two to one, which means we will need solutions for how to take care of a Read More...

Citizen science project lets y

Citizen science project lets you fight deforestation from your couch

Much of our anxiety surrounding the climate crisis is driven by the feeling that we can do little to influence the rapidly changing climate. So, if you’re looking for a hands-on way to contribute to conservation, we’ve got a solution for you. And you don’t even have to leave your couch to Read More...

Owning an electric car will sa

Owning an electric car will save you 50% in maintenance and repair costs

If you’re still not convinced about the benefits of opting for an electric vehicle instead of a diesel-powered one, consider the following finding from a recent report: Drivers of electric vehicles spend half as much on maintenance and repair costs over their vehicle’s lifetime compared to Read More...

Wave energy is showing promisi

Wave energy is showing promising signs as a new form of renewable power

Harnessing the energy of ocean waves to generate renewable power has been on the agenda of scientists in the energy community for some years already. But while a few teams of researchers have developed devices that could do the job, progress to bring such technology to a commercial scale has been Read More...

Here’s what it would actuall

Here’s what it would actually take for CA to meet its 2035 electric vehicle pledge

We recently discussed California’s plan to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles in the state by 2035. While we applaud the ambitious climate action plan, it’s no secret that moving to all-electric vehicle sales in 15 years is a logistical feat. Today we examine critical infrastructure changes Read More...

Time lapse: This supernova was

Time lapse: This supernova was 5 billion times brighter than the sun

For all you space geeks, we have something dazzling for you. The Hubble Space Telescope recorded footage of a supernova exploding in the sky over the course of a year, creating one of the brightest light shows ever seen. In fact, the exploding star burned at the radiance of 5 billion suns before Read More...

Starlink is bringing internet

Starlink is bringing internet to fire-ravaged parts of rural Washington

SpaceX announced plans to build Starlink, their globe-spanning constellation of tiny internet-providing satellites, in 2015. Although just 700 of the planned 40,000 are in orbit, they are playing a critical role in a small Washington town ravaged by wildfire.  A fast-moving wildfire destroyed Read More...

UK’s first hydrogen-powered

UK’s first hydrogen-powered train successfully completes its trial journey

Recently, the arena of hydrogen-powered aviation has seen several promising developments, including a hydrogen fuel-cell passenger plane completing its maiden flight, as well as Airbus unveiling plans to start manufacturing hydrogen-fueled planes by 2035. But it seems that rail transportation is Read More...