Today’s Solutions: September 30, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Photo of the briiv air purifier.

This air purifier filters the air in your home in an eco-conscious way

Most air purifiers improve the air quality in your home by removing dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria, using filters made from a combination of glass fibers and plastic. At the end of their lives, typically six to eight months, the nonrecyclable filters are tossed, eventually ending up in a Read More...

Tel Aviv aims to become the fi

Tel Aviv aims to become the first city with roads that charge EVs

Tel Aviv is on its way to becoming home to the first electric road in the world that would enable electric vehicles to charge while on the go. The initiative is the result of a partnership between the municipality of Tel Aviv and a company called ElectReon, which has launched a pilot project to Read More...

This quiet garbage truck in Br

This quiet garbage truck in Brooklyn runs on electricity

While we may not be able to get rid of the foul smell coming from garbage trucks, we can get rid of the smelly exhaust fumes coming out of their tailpipes. And that’s exactly what New York City is trying to do by testing its first all-electric garbage truck on the streets of Brooklyn. “This is Read More...

Startup unveils brilliant syst

Startup unveils brilliant system to cut plastic from cleaning products

Cleaning products often come in disposable plastic packagings, such as little soap bottles or window sprays. Other than the massive amounts of waste this creates, the problem is that the packaging itself jacks up the price of the product. In fact, packaging can make up as much as 40 percent of Read More...

We are one step closer to find

We are one step closer to finding an effective treatment for MS

Scientists at the University of Cambridge have a taken key step in finding a treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS). In a clinical trial of the cancer drug bexarotene, it was found that the drug repairs the protective myelin coatings around nerves that are damaged by the disease. The only issue Read More...

Study: Vigorous exercise reduc

Study: Vigorous exercise reduces risk of heart disease and cancer in women

It may be no surprise to you that vigorous exercise is good for your health, but now researchers are starting to find out just how effective high-intensity workouts can be for protecting your body from a number of conditions. In a new study out of the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, Read More...

Prosumers: How these Swedish h

Prosumers: How these Swedish homes produce and consume their own energy

In the quest to run on 100 percent renewable electricity, Sweden is transforming homes into highly efficient ‘prosumers’—buildings that both produce and consume the vast majority of their own energy. One example of this in action comes from the city of Ludivika where 1970s flats have Read More...

New device could detect even f

New device could detect even faint signs of life on Mars

The potential for water and even life on the red planet has captivated scientists and citizens alike, but if we were to discover life on Mars, it would likely look like compounds in the planet’s soil rather than green life forms. This is why researchers at the California Institute of Technology Read More...

Innovative cargo ship uses win

Innovative cargo ship uses wind power to cut emissions by 90%

With shipping responsible for around 2.2 percent of all emissions, there is a great need for more sustainable ships. The good news is that Swedish ship manufacturer Wallenius Marine has unveiled the OceanBird — a state-of-the-art vessel design that will be able to ship large, heavy cargos over Read More...

NASA’s 2024 mission will see

NASA’s 2024 mission will see first woman astronaut on the Moon

NASA is going back to the Moon, but this time around, there will be a woman stepping foot on the lunar surface. Recently, the American space agency formally outlined its $28 billion plan to return to the Moon in 2024, with the mission being called Artemis. The plan involves sending both a man and Read More...