Today’s Solutions: September 30, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Woman Taking CBD oil under tongue.

CBD’s blood flow boosting powers could help prevent Alzheimer’s

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, has gained popularity in recent years as a health-boosting relaxation tool. This non-psychoactive component of cannabis has been used for everything from treating sore muscles to preventing seizures and new research shows CBD could even be effective in preventing Read More...

Virtual Reality can help fight

Virtual Reality can help fight racism in the workplace. Here's how

What better way to teach someone about the issues of racism or sexism in the workplace other than putting them in the shoes of a person experiencing such forms of discrimination? Well, that’s exactly what US startup Vantage Point does with its training programs that use virtual reality (VR) Read More...

How a urine test could replace

How a urine test could replace painful biopsies for skin cancer patients

This weekend, we wrote about a bacteria-sampling pill that could be used to replace uncomfortable colonoscopies. On a similar note, today we are reporting on a recent scientific breakthrough that could help doctors monitor skin cancer without the need for invasive biopsies. Researchers at the Read More...

Google is creating the worldâ€

Google is creating the world’s largest earthquake detector

Google is on a mission to create the world’s largest earthquake detector. To do this, the tech giant is using the same accelerometer that rotates your screen. Beginning with Android 5.0's launch on August 11, phones running the OS will start becoming part of Google's Lucious Fox-like Android Read More...

It could be possible to stop l

It could be possible to stop locust swarms using their own scent

A single locust is just bigger than a paper clip. But when these solitary critters attract others into a growing swarm, billions of locusts wind up flying together, forming a moving carpet that can block out the sun and strip the landscape of plants and crops. Giant swarms like this have Read More...

6 simple ways you can help sav

6 simple ways you can help save the United States Postal Service (USPS)

The US Postal Services are in trouble. It's currently running out of government funding and there are concerns that the agency will collapse completely if the government doesn’t approve a substantial aid package to help the USPS weather the COVID-19 storm.  And while the post office will always Read More...

Water treatment plant uses exp

Water treatment plant uses expired beer to produce green energy

As restaurants and bars in Australia were forced to close due to the pandemic, millions of liters of unsold beer went stale. But instead of going to waste, some inventories of expired beer are being turned into renewable energy to power a water treatment plant in the state of South Australia. In Read More...

This bacteria-sampling pill co

This bacteria-sampling pill could replace invasive colonoscopies

While a colonoscopy is an important tool for detecting abnormalities in the large intestine (colon), these exams are no joy for patients. If you aren't familiar with what happens in a colonoscopy, it basically involves a long tube with a tiny video camera at the tip that is inserted into the rectum Read More...

Why we need to eliminate natur

Why we need to eliminate natural gas from cities now

After a massive gas explosion destroyed homes in Baltimore, the city announced plans to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make repairs on the city’s aging natural gas infrastructure. But perhaps making repairs is the wrong plan entirely. Instead, the city could use this as an opportunity Read More...

New technique allows scientist

New technique allows scientists to track space junk in orbit

Millions of pieces of space junk — everything from decommissioned satellites to broken pieces of rockets — are zipping around in Earth's orbit right now. This debris is moving nearly 10 times faster than a bullet, and a collision with a piece as small as one centimeter could cause major Read More...