Today’s Solutions: October 02, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

How the basic bed net has been

How the basic bed net has been revamped to kill malaria-spreading mosquitos

Not only do bed nets help protect people against mosquito bites, but if those nets are treated with an insecticide, they also kill any of the insects that touch them. A simple new technology could make such nets much more lethal to mosquitoes, yet also safer for humans. Utilizing video tracking Read More...

Vera and Google team up to cre

Vera and Google team up to create transparent prison data to shape reform policy

The US is in need of a better criminal justice system (71 percent of Americans agree), but in order to make this happen, we need better, more accurate and transparent data on prison populations. That’s the message from Vera, a nonprofit focused on tackling America’s most pressing injustices. Read More...

New study says playing sports

New study says playing sports boosts your brain’s ability to process information

The beauty of playing a sport is that it can remove you from the more regular emotions you usually feel throughout the day and bring you into a state of focus and adrenaline-fueled excitement—especially when a sporting event reaches a crucial moment. According to a new study from Northwestern Read More...

Your office windows could soon

Your office windows could soon harvest solar energy

Wouldn’t it be awesome if all those windows on high-rise buildings could be used to harvest the sun’s energy for electricity? Of course, it would, and now, thanks to engineers in South Korea, this image could very soon become reality. The researchers have managed to develop a new method of Read More...

NASA has created a map that sh

NASA has created a map that shows where ‘water ice’ is located on Mars

When there are so many problems that need to be taken care of on planet Earth, it can seem like a waste of resources to be searching for life beyond our planet. Regardless, the search continues, and we at the Optimist Daily feel a bit obliged to give the positive updates that come from this Read More...

The Ocean Cleanup device has r

The Ocean Cleanup device has returned with its first load of plastic

After months of research, failures, and reconfigurations, and weeks spent at sea traveling to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and back, The Ocean Cleanup’s device—a 2,000 foot-long floating tube that skims the surface of the water to catch plastic trash—has returned to shore. And with it, Read More...

The earliest known cave art by

The earliest known cave art by modern humans has been found in Indonesia

It’s profound how one historical discovery can completely change our view of the past. Recently in Indonesia, archaeologists made a discovery that did just that. What the archaeologists discovered was cave art depicting human-animal hybrid figures hunting warty pigs and dwarf buffaloes. Read More...

These sharable scooters now co

These sharable scooters now come with a helmet to improve their riders’ safety

As the micromobility revolution is in full swing, with electric scooters being hailed as efficient alternatives in urban transportation, the concept isn’t without its downsides, one of the major ones being injuries. Luckily, there are now services out there that are putting safety first. Enter Read More...

Researchers discover 40 new sp

Researchers discover 40 new species of fish in a single lake

The animal diversity on planet Earth is truly spectacular. A testament to that comes in the form of a recent discovery by researchers in Africa, who found over 40 previously unknown species of fish--all from one lake. Lake Mweru, located between Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, is Read More...

New study suggests you can hac

New study suggests you can hack your brainwaves to improve your attention span

Having trouble paying attention? MIT neuroscientists may have a solution for you: Turn down your alpha brain waves. In a new study, the researchers found that it’s possible to teach people, particularly those with learning disabilities, how to improve their focus through neurofeedback. Read More...