Today’s Solutions: October 03, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Beyond zero-sum thinking: 3 in

Beyond zero-sum thinking: 3 international collaborations that helped the world

In a zero-sum game, one person’s win means another person’s loss. Luckily, we are living in a positive-sum world, meaning one person’s achievement can benefit and contribute to the success of those around them, and even all of humanity. This concept applies to scientific innovation, Read More...

New UN report shows a bright f

New UN report shows a bright future for renewable energy

If you’re skeptical about the potential of renewable energy in preventing a climate catastrophe in the following decades, consider this: between 2010 and 2019, the world poured $2.6 trillion into clean energy sources and boosted capacity from 414 gigawatts to 1,650 gigawatts, according to a new Read More...

Scientists are turning carbon

Scientists are turning carbon dioxide into a liquid that powers fuel-cells

While it’s good that we’re finding ways to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, it’s even better that we’re finding ways to turn all that CO2 into something good for the planet. Recently, scientists at Rice University have devised an environmentally friendly way to take carbon Read More...

Germans are falling in love wi

Germans are falling in love with the electric cargo bike

Germany, that well-known powerhouse of the automotive industry, is apparently falling very much in love with electric bikes. Specifically, electric ‘cargo bikes’ that are typically being used by companies to transport goods around cities and deliver them to customers. The bikes are basically Read More...

The US electric grid is creaky

The US electric grid is creaky. Virtual power plants could help fix it

A German energy storage company by the name of Sonnen is on a mission to prove that the virtual power plant (VPP) could solve major energy problems in the US. To those of you who might be asking what a VPP is, it’s basically an array of connected solar roofs and batteries that uses renewable Read More...

How soil restoration will play

How soil restoration will play a critical role in the future of global food systems

What’s the secret to feeding a global population that will reach 10 billion by 2050? Earth and Space Sciences professor David R. Montgomery says soil restoration is the answer. Unfortunately, one-third of the world’s population already suffers from the effects of degraded soil caused by Read More...

Spiny sea friends help treat H

Spiny sea friends help treat Hawaii’s smothered coral reefs

For tourists, sea urchins may be an unwanted addition to a Hawaiian vacation, but these spiky little creatures are a welcomed habitat dweller for the islands’ coral reefs. The sea urchins, which are native to Hawaii’s waters, eat invasive smothering algae which threaten the health of the reef Read More...

Some compasses will soon point

Some compasses will soon point to true north - for the first time in 360 years

We all know the four directions on a compass: North, South, East, and West. However, when delving deeper into Earth’s rotation, we find there are actually two versions of North: magnetic North and true North. True north is a familiar friend we see on maps and longitude lines, but magnetic North, Read More...

Coal power made up less than 1

Coal power made up less than 1% of the UK's electricity system last quarter

We know that coal power has had a long descent in the UK since it became the country’s main source of energy during the Industrial Revolution, but to see just how far it has fallen is pretty astounding. According to new government data, energy produced by the UK’s most polluting power plants Read More...

This device extracts water out

This device extracts water out of dry air

Scientists have unveiled a device that can literally turn thin air into water. Yes, we’ve written about such devices before, but this one is showing more promise than any before it. In fact, the device can pull more than five cups of water from low humidity air per day per 2.2 pounds of Read More...