From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.
The saliva of wax worms, the beehive-infesting larvae of wax moths, has incredible power. Apparently, it contains enzymes that quickly degrade plastic bags— an item we all know plagues our planet. The enzymes—the first known to break down polyethylene in a matter of hours at room Read More...
The world's whitest paint, which has the ability to reflect about 98% of incoming sunlight, was created last year by Purdue University engineers using their knowledge of materials science. This paint has significant promise for improving building energy efficiency by reducing the need for air Read More...
Conventional fuel for transport (air travel, in particular) is one of the most significant contributors to CO2, making the electrification of travel high on the list of priorities in terms of fighting climate change. Air Canada, Canada’s largest airline, demonstrated its commitment to this goal Read More...
Cancer is a condition that involves the development of abnormal cells in a certain part of the body that divide uncontrollably, so much so that it can spread to other parts of the body. It is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Researchers, medical professionals, and scientists from Read More...
Hearing loss is a health condition that many people all over the world grapple with. In the US alone, approximately 30 million Americans have mild to moderate hearing loss. Though the majority of these individuals would benefit from the most common type of hearing aid (called air-conduction Read More...
Solar panels often take up a lot of real estate that is also optimal for growing crops (flat land with access to lots of sunlight). Instead of having panels compete with plants, there is a growing field called agrivoltaics that studies how solar power and agriculture can exist together and even Read More...
The environmental benefits of using electricity rather than fossil fuels to power our world goes without saying— however, the process of electrifying everything has its obstacles. One of the greatest obstacles is the limited resources of lithium, nickel, and cobalt which are all used to create Read More...
Costa Rica is a jewel of a country, and one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. Residing in its mountains, jungles, and beaches are approximately half a million animal and plant species. Although Costa Rica is a leader in conservation, it also has the highest density of roads in Read More...
A new study from researchers at the University of Southern Denmark has determined what we already knew— cycling is much better for the environment than driving conventional internal combustion vehicles. The study took a look at the bike-loving Dutch, and quantified just how much global carbon Read More...
There is no doubt that The Optimist Daily is excited about the increasing number of electric vehicles on the roads. In the US, infrastructure for plug-in EVs has been fleshed out in many regions, easing drivers’ range anxiety. With new tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act, we can expect Read More...