From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.
How self-driving cars become a part of the way we travel relies not on the technology, but rather, on the way society accepts self-driving cars. According to a new survey, the Chinese public is better poised to accept autonomous vehicles than Americans are, mainly because they trust the technology Read More...
The fossil fuel era won’t last forever. And a new set of nations will find their reserves of lithium, copper and rare earth metals in high Read More...
In 2017, sustainable energy has become "the new normal" in America, and coal power continues slipping away. Coal production slightly increased in 2017, as did coal prices. But that's not because more Americans are using coal energy. Instead, American coal has become more valuable for its Read More...
A lot of bacteria might have a bad rep, but with a little genetic tweaking we can put them to work producing drugs, cleaning water, detecting long-forgotten landmines, and repairing concrete. Now a team from the University of Cambridge and a Dutch company called Hoekmine BV has outlined how we Read More...
The plummeting price of renewable energy has led to a massive increase in clean energy capacity around the world. In fact, China is expected to become the first major country where renewables become the dominant source of energy in 2022. Spain and the United Arab Emirates are expected to reach grid Read More...
William Andregg ushers me into the cluttered workshop of his startup Fathom Computing and gently lifts the lid from a bulky black box. Inside, a green light glows faintly from a collection of lenses, brackets, and cables that resemble an exploded telescope. It’s a prototype computer that Read More...
Disposable diagnostics tests such as pregnancy tests require small batteries or fuel cells to work. Considering that these devices can typically only be used once, an engineer is developing small, nontoxic, inexpensive fuel cells that can be disposed of without ecological impact.There are two Read More...
The world’s first floating wind farm, which is located off the coast of Scotland, is showing that generating great amounts of energy is possible in places with deep seabeds. Although Scotland’s floating wind farm only switched on three months ago, it’s already performing far better than Read More...
Hydrogen is an all-purpose element that can be produced without greenhouse gases and used to create anything from fertilizers to fuel. The only problem is extracting it from water is both expensive in terms of money and energy. Attempts at producing hydrogen at a lesser cost haven’t been all too Read More...
A startup is developing a five-seat electric aircraft that can take off and land vertically. The startup, which recently won a prestigious award for sustainability innovation, envisions using the aircraft like an Uber, hailing it from your phone to take you around the city, avoiding traffic. The Read More...