Today’s Solutions: October 06, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

VW’s Moia wheels out an

VW's Moia wheels out an electric six-seater for the ride-sharing era

One year ago at TechCrunch Disrupt in London, Volkswagen launched a dedicated company focused on future mobility services called Moia. At this year's TechCrunch Disrupt in Berlin, the spin-off has unveiled its very first vehicle, an all-electric Read More...

Scientists can now detect bad

Scientists can now detect bad cancer research articles with this tool

When a published cancer study contains mistakes, the consequences can be dire. For one thing, cancer studies are often the start of expensive research pipelines that hope to find better treatment for patients. That’s why two researchers have created a tool that detects incorrect genetic Read More...

Covering 1.2% of the Sahara wi

Covering 1.2% of the Sahara with solar panels would supply the world’s yearly energy needs

In just six hours, the world’s deserts receive more solar energy than the entire human race consumes in a year. By covering just 1.2 percent of the Sahara desert in solar panels, the energy needs of the world could be met. Knowing that, wouldn’t it make sense to blanket part of the Sahara with Read More...

Life after nuclear: First sola

Life after nuclear: First solar project of Chernobyl to be finished next month

In July of last year, Ukraine announced a plan to build solar farms in the 1,000-mile swath of land encircling the site of the nuclear 1986 meltdown. Now those plans are coming to fruition as the first solar project is expected to be commissioned in Chernobyl next month. This solar project will be Read More...

Google now powers all operatio

Google now powers all operations with nothing but 100 percent renewable energy

Just one year after setting a goal to fulfill all its energy needs from renewables, Google has announced that it has already fulfilled that goal. The tech-giant recently signed contracts for three wind power plants, which put their total energy infrastructure investment at over $3.5 billion. Google Read More...

‘Electric cars cost much

'Electric cars cost much less to own than gas-powered cars'

In a new study, researchers found that owning a pure electric car costs less over four years than gas or diesel cars in the UK, US and Japan. Perhaps it comes as a bit of a surprise, but there are many factors that make owning an electric car cheaper. For one, electricity is cheaper than gas. Read More...

A new discovery could be a dea

A new discovery could be a death blow to traditional lithium-ion batteries

Department of Energy scientists said last week that they had discovered the fastest magnesium-ion solid-state conductor. It could be a final blow to the lithium-ion batteries, which have been used for Read More...

Clean energy could save women

Clean energy could save women hours of time each day in rural India

In rural India, women spend more than a quarter of their waking hours on cooking-related tasks. Much of this time is not actually spent on the cooking process itself, however, but on gathering free biomass fuels such as firewood, dung cakes, and agricultural waste. By utilizing clean energy Read More...

Dubai is a having a transporta

Dubai is a having a transportation revolution

Considering how advanced our technology is becoming, isn’t it odd we still spend so much time sitting in traffic. Dubai thinks so, which is why its testing out new transportation methods that are like nothing we’ve seen before. See here Dubai’s big plans to revolutionize the way we Read More...

How Elon Musk built the worldâ

How Elon Musk built the world’s biggest battery in 60 days

When an apocalyptic storm hit South Australia in September of 2016, the regional electricity grid failed and left 1.7 million residents in the darkness. Then the Australian Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull tried to blame the state’s recent turn toward renewable energy, prompting Elon Musk to make Read More...