Today’s Solutions: October 08, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Biofuels: could agave, hemp an

Biofuels: could agave, hemp and saltbush be the fuels of the future?

Biofuels have long been touted as a carbon-neutral alternative to fossil fuels, doing for the world’s planes, ships and automobiles what windfarms and solar panels are doing for its electricity grids. With the transport sector accounting for almost one fifth of Australia’s total carbon Read More...

Study: By 2030, self-driving c

Study: By 2030, self-driving cars could cut car ownership by 80 percent

Stop us if you've heard this one before: someone's published a study on self-driving cars and the effect they'll have on transportation. In the past year alone, we've seen plenty of those studies. Some show that people are afraid of self-driving vehicles (even though they're totally onboard with Read More...

New technology recycles wastew

New technology recycles wastewater into hydrogen for use in fuel production

"Electrical" bacteria are the key ingredient in a new process developed by the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory that recycles wastewater from biofuel production to generate hydrogen. The hydrogen can then be used to convert bio-oil into higher grade liquid fuels such as gasoline Read More...

Possibility: Drones for peace

Possibility: Drones for peace

From The Intelligent Optimist Summer 2016 Imagine for a moment that a child is critically ill in a small village weeks away from any hospital. With no quick means of transportation, the child’s worried doctor picks up the phone or sends a text and, in a matter of hours, the much-needed medical Read More...

Possibility: Windmills under t

Possibility: Windmills under the sea

From The Intelligent Optimist Magazine Fall/Winter 2016 There’s enough wave energy in the oceans to power the world, and scientists and businesses are finally close to harnessing it. For decades wave energy has lagged behind wind energy and solar because harnessing it is more complex. But for Jim Read More...

These new wind-energy technolo

These new wind-energy technologies look incredible

Many consider modern windmills eyesores in the landscape despite their obvious clean energy benefits. A new generation of wind technologies are on their way, and they not only promise to make wind energy safer and more affordable, their sleek designs are also stunning. See this series of new Read More...

Self-repairing roads could als

Self-repairing roads could also charge your electric car

Potholes are bad enough for the jarring rides, car damage and safety hazards they create, but it's also problematic to fix them. You're looking at lane and road closures that can last for days, assuming the city can even spare the resources. However, Dutch researchers might have a solution that not Read More...

Germany breaks record: 85 perc

Germany breaks record: 85 percent of electricity produced by renewables

On April 30, Germany established a new national record for renewable energy use. On that day and throughout the long May 1 weekend, 85% of all the electricity consumed in Germany was produced from renewables such as wind, solar, biomass, and hydroelectric power. Patrick Graichen of Agora Read More...

Cities across U.S. continue to

Cities across U.S. continue to commit to 100 percent renewable electricity

Hello Solar put together an interactive map documenting all of the cities in the US that have committed to moving to 100% renewable energy*. The map includes the timing on which the cities have committed to complete the transition and the population of each for context. (Note: since the site and Read More...

India’s green car plan p

India's green car plan prioritizes electric vehicles over hybrids

India's most influential government think-tank has recommended lowering taxes and interest rates for loans on electric vehicles, while capping sales of conventional cars, signaling a dramatic shift in policy in one of the world's fastest growing auto markets. A draft of the 90-page blueprint, seen Read More...