Today’s Solutions: October 09, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

What it’s like when your

What it's like when your car drives itself

The first time your car drives itself, it’s terrifying. The second time, it’s thrilling. By the third time, it’s a little boring. Self-driving cars are on their way to our roads. And they’re probably not going to arrive with a bang, but with a quiet little beeping. In one Read More...

U.S. tech startup giv

U.S. tech startup giving away self-driving car software, the tech startup that recently pulled the plug on its device to give cars limited self-driving capabilities after being reprimanded by U.S. regulators, has opened up its software secrets to the masses. On Wednesday, announced on its website that it had open sourced the software Read More...

EU unveils power market reform

EU unveils power market reform to boost renewables

EU regulators set a path on Wednesday for renewables to power half of Europe by 2030, with plans to cut energy use, phase out subsidies for coal and enforce greater cross-border trade. The European Commission's the 1,000-page draft law seeks to meet goals on cutting emissions and adapt Europe's Read More...

Five major automakers to insta

Five major automakers to install 400 ultra-fast chargers for electric cars in Europe

BMW, Mercedes, Ford, Audi and Porsche have announced an ambitious plan to deploy 400 electric car charging stations across Europe to enable long-range travel for electric vehicle drivers. And with twice the capacity of the Tesla Supercharger, these stations will have the ability to refill cars at Read More...

Rooftop solar is winning from

Rooftop solar is winning from utilities

Utility companies have tried to undermine rooftop solar by creating ballot measures that favor their own interests. Unfortunately for them, voters have fought back and won policy wars in states like Nevada, Wisconsin, and Florida. Now the policies are in favor of the people, which could slowly lead Read More...

Offshore wind energy system co

Offshore wind energy system combines sea water and wind to create electricity

We've seen our share of interesting wind power designs, but often the technology can't come anywhere close to matching what the traditional horizontal axis wind turbines can do. There's a reason that when we think of wind energy, we think of giant masts with rotating blades and it's because that Read More...

Scientists turn nuclear waste

Scientists turn nuclear waste into electricity-generating diamonds

How to dispose of nuclear waste is one of the great technical challenges of the 21st century. British physicists have now found a way to convert seemingly worthless—and dangerous—nuclear waste into man-made diamond batteries that can generate a small electric current for longer than the entire Read More...

Storing hydrogen in your pocke

Storing hydrogen in your pocket with this new plastic

A Waseda University (Tokyo) research group has developed a polymer which can store hydrogen in a light, compact and flexible sheet, and is safe to touch even when filled with hydrogen gas. Although research and development on technology allowing hydrogen to become a major energy source have been Read More...

Here’s why the clean energy

Here’s why the clean energy industry is hopeful about Donald Trump

U.S. wind and solar companies for the first time gave more money to Republicans than Democrats during the 2016 election cycle, according to federal campaign disclosures, part of a years-long effort to expand renewable energy’s appeal beyond liberal environmentalists. The industry is now Read More...

The solar showroom is a bright

The solar showroom is a bright way to get solar panels onto more roofs

What if buying solar panels was like buying a car? You walk around the showroom, you see the panels on different tiled roofs, and you actually see what you’re getting before you buy it. In California, a solar showroom allows potential customers to interact with solar panels, and it's persuading Read More...