Today’s Solutions: October 10, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Jeremy Corbyn has a plan to re

Jeremy Corbyn has a plan to revive renewable energy in the U.K

Following Brexit, the conservative party of the U.K cut solar subsidies and scrapped the Department of Energy and Climate Change. These moves have put a dark cloud over the future of clean energy in the U.K, but the ship can still be turned around with a vote for Jeremey Corbyn. The Labour party Read More...

A solar powered window charger

A solar powered window charger

You may think that  exposing  your phone  to  the  elements and leaving it outside,  in the scorching sun, for charging will spell the end for your beloved device.  A gadget that allows you to harness the power of the sun without any harm to your phone.The Solar Charger provides an adhesive Read More...

This automaker is banking on e

This automaker is banking on electric vehicles, including a van

Volkswagen will launch its first battery-powered van later this month as it shifts to zero-emission vehicles following its diesel cheating scandal, but customers are still skeptical about the benefits of going electric. “If electric drives offer no distinct benefits to cost-oriented Read More...

Sweden announces record $1.5 b

Sweden announces record $1.5 billion for climate and renewables

Sweden announced a record budget for climate and renewable energy projects. “Today we present the largest-ever climate and environment budget in Sweden,” Prime Minister Stefan Loefven said at a press conference in Stockholm. “Sweden’s ambition is to become one of the first Read More...

A solar startup emerges to tra

A solar startup emerges to track the sun on roofs and boost productivity

A young solar startup has modified gear that’s commonly used on big ground-based solar panel farms to be used on the rooftops of large buildings. It’s a rare entrepreneurial effort to build a new type of solar hardware in an industry that is increasingly focused on lowering costs. On Read More...

Geely’s Volvo and Autoli

Geely's Volvo and Autoliv team up in autonomous driving

Chinese-owned Volvo Car Group and auto safety group Autoliv said on Tuesday they would form a joint venture to develop autonomous driving software as automotive firms across the industry race to embrace the emerging technology. The two Sweden-based companies said in separate statements the new Read More...

99 ways self-driving cars will

99 ways self-driving cars will totally change everything (sooner than you think)

The future is nearly here. Uber has self-driving cars in Pittsburgh, and maybe San Francisco. Google has new patents. One way or another, we're getting truly autonomous vehicles, and soon. How big a deal is this? Huge. It's up there with the advent of the Internet, railroads in the 1800s, and Read More...

There’s a battle over renewa

There’s a battle over renewable energy in the states; and the fossil fuel interests are losing

In state capitals across the country, legislators are debating proposals to roll back environmental rules, prodded by industry and advocacy groups eager to curtail regulations aimed at curbing greenhouse gases. The measures, which have been introduced in about 18 states, lie at the heart of an Read More...

New tool can calculate renewab

New tool can calculate renewable energy output anywhere in the world

Researchers have created an interactive web tool to estimate the amount of energy that could be generated by wind or solar farms at any location. The tool, called, aims to make the task of predicting renewable output easier for both academics and industry. The creators, from Read More...

Eastern US grid can handle 30

Eastern US grid can handle 30 percent renewable energy

The Intertubes are buzzing over a new Energy Department report that predicts renewable energy can crank up the entire eastern United States power grid, to the tune of 30 percent. That’s pretty good news for businesses hoping to burnish their green cred by accessing more wind and solar energy. Read More...