From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.
Researchers from the University of Queensland have discovered that thanks to a bacterial enzyme in their gut the Zophobas morio “superworm” can eat through polystyrene plastic. This is the main compound of Styrofoam. Over a three-week period, the research team fed these “superworms” Read More...
Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano dramatically erupted in 2018, causing earthquakes, ash plumes, and lava flows that demolished over 700 homes on the island. This was one of the worst eruptions the U.S. had seen since Mount St. Helens and unfortunately there was no credible model to turn to to help Read More...
Researchers find that studying the evolution of certain female animals can offer invaluable insight into women’s health and possible treatments. As if we needed another reason to preserve the environment, the habitats and adaptations of giraffes, sharks, and bears could offer clues on how to Read More...
Researchers from the University of Exeter examined the behavior of otters to see if they could learn to hunt and forage on their own once they were released into the wild. They did this using puzzle boxes filled with food. Problem-solving for food Looking at Asian short-clawed otters, Read More...
The European Union’s goal is to slash 55 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and reduce carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles by 100 percent by 2035. As part of this ambition, the European Parliament has voted to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars starting in 2035. This vote Read More...
Plastic pollution is so prevalent that harmful plastic particles can even be found in drinking water. Robust action on a national scale is needed to stop the flood of plastics into natural environments. Wednesday, on World Oceans Day, the White House announced its plans to phase out single-use Read More...
While wind turbines only cost 11 grams of carbon per kilowatt-hour (compared to the combustion of natural gas at 450 grams), there is always room for improvement. Opponents of wind energy have criticized the carbon footprint of the steel required to build wind towers and turbines. Unknowingly, they Read More...
We recently wrote a piece on how keto diets can reduce colorectal cancer. Ketosis is a metabolic state brought on by these diets and also fasting. Keto diets are characterized as being high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and high in fats. This has made it a popular tool for losing weight, and Read More...
There is an elaborate tradition and art that goes into making certain scotches. The recipes of some highland single malts have been passed down through families for generations, and connoisseurs can pay a lot for these unique, peaty spirits. Not surprisingly, counterfeiters are looking to cash Read More...
Sleep is essential for human health, as much as food and water. However, in our intensely busy culture, many people fail to get enough. Not getting at least seven hours each night can lead to an increased risk of several psychological and physical illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, Read More...