Today’s Solutions: January 10, 2025


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Progress made toward more powe

Progress made toward more powerful lithium-air battery for electric cars

Yes, electric cars are the future. But what type of green and clean future is it, when we get stuck if our car battery is dead? Scientists are working harder than ever to try and fix the electric car range-problem. And a new solution is in sight: the lithium-air battery. In theory, a lithium-air Read More...

The UK hopes to power its home

The UK hopes to power its homes from the energy of Iceland's volcanoes

When it comes to renewable energy, Iceland is doing it right. The remote island country reportedly meets around 95% of its own electricity needs using the power of its volcanoes and now the UK hopes to enjoy the benefits of geothermal energy as well. The two countries have joined together to create Read More...

Study: Humans driving cars are

Study: Humans driving cars are more likely to hurt other humans than self-driving cars

With autonomous vehicle operators now required to report their crashes, we finally have some data to compare robot drivers to human drivers when it comes to road safety. Here’s one good argument for a robot-driving future: Human drivers are more likely to get in crashes that hurt or kill Read More...

This is what it’s like t

This is what it's like to drive Toyota's hydrogen-powered car

Just as we get used to seeing electric cars on our roads, Toyota already wants to look to a new, potentially even greener future. The hydrogen-powered Mirai has just gone on sale and IBTimes UK was among the first to take it out for a spin. The Mirai combines oxygen in the atmosphere with hydrogen Read More...

Honda’s hydrogen car is

Honda's hydrogen car is so good it can power your home

Honda unveiled its sleek first hydrogen-powered fuel cell sedan to be offered to the public, and it’s really cool. On a single charge, the Clarity Fuel Cell can travel over 400 miles (some 700 kilometers) and can be refilled in just three minutes. It also has the hydrogen car industry’s most Read More...

18 science-based reasons to tr

18 science-based reasons to try loving-kindness meditation

Many of us have heard of meditation’s benefits. We may have even tried meditation once or twice. And many of us will have found it hard and concluded that “meditation is not for me.” But wait! Did you know there are many forms of meditation? There are mantra meditations, visualization Read More...

Green self-driving cars take c

Green self-driving cars take center stage at Tokyo auto show

Visions of cars that drive themselves without emitting a bit of pollution while entertaining passengers with online movies and social media are what's taking center stage at the Tokyo Motor Show. Japan, home to the world's top-selling automaker, has a younger generation disinterested in buying, Read More...

What are the health benefits o

What are the health benefits of renewable energy choices?

This video breaks down the science behind our paper on the health benefits of a low carbon energy policy, and explores how renewable energy is good for our health. Generating electricity from low-carbon energy sources and cutting energy demand reduces the need for fossil fuel power generation, Read More...

World Bank-backed Project To S

World Bank-backed Project To Study Wind Energy Potential In African Countries

A global program backed by the World Bank aimed at studying and determining renewable energy potential across the world will now focus on three African countries. Under the Energy Sector Management Assessment Program (ESMAP), DNV GL is working to determine wind energy potential in Zambia, Tanzania, Read More...

Toyota bets the future car wil

Toyota bets the future car will be fuelled by hydrogen

Toyota showed off a special version of its new Mirai saloon this week to celebrate Back to the Future day. The Japanese carmaker’s take on the time-travelling DeLorean from the popular movie series has the trademark gull-wing doors and the same, bare-metal bodywork seen in the Hollywood film. Read More...