Today’s Solutions: September 22, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

NYC E-Bike

How e-bikes are transforming New York City

New transportation technologies literally transform cities. Beyond the obvious construction of subways, the innovation of the automobile gave rise to the prevalence of suburbs, industrial areas outside of cities, and the remodeling of American streets.  We might soon see a similar change in Read More...

Magic Mushrooms

First European psychedelic drug trial clinic opens in the UK

At The Optimist Daily, the magical power of mushrooms and, particularly, their psychedelic therapeutic benefits are things we cannot stop writing about. From adaptogen compounds to the forest neural networks they offer, we love everything mycelia.  That’s why we were happy to hear about the Read More...

Heart Tattoo

Medicinal tattoos that detect blood oxygen levels and more

Most of us remember mood rings, right? Purple meant happy, and black meant stressed and every color in between was every mood in between. Some, even physiologists, believe there is some accuracy to this, corresponding to the temperature of one’s body depending on their mood, but what if there was Read More...

Europe’s largest floating so

Europe’s largest floating solar park to open in Portugal this summer

Last month we wrote about Greece unveiling Europe’s largest double-sided solar farm. Now another European country is about to claim a significant achievement in the race towards renewables: building the continent’s largest floating solar park. The solar park will be located in Portugal’s Read More...

Older African American couple walking in the countryside.

Fecal transplants could help prevent age related disorders

With age comes grace and knowledge. We recently wrote an article with a wonderful quote from Betty Friedan: “Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” However, the downside of aging is the range of health issues that come with it. Our evolutionary purpose on this Read More...

Keto Diet

Keto diets may reduce risk of colorectal cancer

So much of our health relies on what we eat. In the last decade, researchers have found several foods and diets that help to stave off serious diseases. For instance, one can greatly reduce their risk of heart disease by adhering to a Mediterranean diet. The risk of cancer in particular can be Read More...

Highfin Dragonfish

Rare highfin dragonfish spotted by MBARI researchers

Some creatures’ adaptations help them camouflage so well that, along with predators, naturalists and researchers find it hard to spot them. This is the case with the rare highfin dragonfish (Bathophilus flemingi), which researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) have Read More...

Middle aged woman sitting under a tree reading a book in the park.

Spending time in greenery reduces the risk of dementia

Here at The Optimist Daily, we’ve always emphasized how important nature and greenery are for your health. With luscious vegetation comes a whole range of mental benefits such as improved cognition in children and boosted happiness. A recent study from Boston University confirms just this. The Read More...

Artificial cilia robots which respond to light aligned in a circle formation.

This robot is smaller than a human hair

Humans would not be where they are today without the aid of robots. The first modern and programmable robot was invented by George Devol in 1954, which lifted pieces of hot metal from die casting machines in New Jersey. Since then, robots have come a long way, now being able to sort through Read More...

Newborn baby boy wrapped in blue looks into camera

New biomarker may help make Sudden Infant Death Syndrome a thing of the past

Sudden infant death syndrome, also known as SIDS is a leading cause of infant death. It goes without saying that the death of a baby is a devastating event, and is made even worse when experts are unable to identify any kind of physiological factor that might make babies even more Read More...