Today’s Solutions: September 23, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.


Seaweed could supplement our protein and future biofuel

Sometimes, the answers to important questions were right under our noses the whole time… or, in this case, underwater.  A Swedish sea farm is growing seaweed in abundance to show how it can become a major food staple and a potential resource for biofuel and plastics.  Sea agriculture  At Read More...

Male Nannaria swiftae, a type of twisted-claw millipede.

New species of millipede named after singer Taylor Swift

There have been several newly discovered animals in the past year named after famous individuals. This includes Opaluma rupaul, a species of a fly named after the drag queen Ru Paul and the rain frog Pristimantis gretathunbergae, named after climate activist Greta Thunberg. Recently, 16 new Read More...

Star trails during the Lyrid Meteor Shower, April 2020, Herefordshire, UK.

How to catch the Lyrid meteor shower this Earth Day

Earth Day is an international celebration of our beautiful planet and a reminder of what steps we need to take to save it. The date marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement which started in 1970. This Earth Day, the stars have aligned (so to speak) to bring us the Read More...

Doctor attentively examines the MRI scan of the patient.

Woman born without a chunk of her brain shows the power of plasticity

Imagine going to the doctor for a check-up and finding out you are missing a vital part of your brain. This is what happened in 1987 to a woman — referred to as EG— who had no prior knowledge of her condition before this scan. In accounts from EG and those who know her, no unusual behavior Read More...

Pay Equality

Calculating fairness: BU’s new software shows workers their wage gap

While we have made many strides in the journey toward equal pay, wage inequality does still exist in many parts of the country. Legislatures, citizens, and even universities strive and innovate efforts every day to make sure that women and people of color earn as much as their white male Read More...

Solar Advocacy

6 ways to support solar energy without buying panels

Renewable resources are essential to achieve our goal of energy independence and resilience in the face of a changing climate. While many of us support the move toward energy sources such as wind and solar, we might not own our homes or be in a position to put up some solar panels ourselves. The Read More...

Blue, red, and white NASA logo.

NASA’s plan to make space more accessible to all

Last year, one study rocketed forward the understanding of inclusive space travel. The AstroAcess project looked at requirements for sending people with different kinds of disabilities into space by creating a space-like environment in an aircraft free-falling from 32,000 feet down to Earth. It was Read More...


Jupiter’s moon, Europa could have water that supports life

One of the most vexing questions we try to answer in our exploration of space and the Universe is “Are we alone?” Scientists, artists, and average people wonder what form alien life might take, when we might encounter it, and how close it is.  It might be closer than most of us think, and Read More...

person lays blissfully in a green meadow

3 ways to relax to the max in nature, according to science

Okay, so you’ve finally decided to carve out the time in your busy schedule to commune with nature because you’ve heard and read that spending time outside has a wide range of benefits from physical health to mental wellbeing. However, you only have access to a city park, your backyard, or even Read More...

Spotted tree frog

80 endangered spotted tree frogs return to the Australian wild

While it might not seem like much because of its size, the spotted tree frog is a critical species for the biodiversity of its Australian habitats. Of the almost 300 of these endangered frogs released into the wild, only about 10 survived the wildfires of 2019 and 2020. This was disheartening, to Read More...