Today’s Solutions: September 23, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Fractal pattern tree

Fractals: why your brain prefers nature over cities

You’re probably very aware at this point that it’s healthy for you to spend more time outside. While we’ve certainly written about it a great deal, scientists keep unveiling new findings about the relationship between lower stress and nature.  For instance, new research from the Read More...

Floating ants looks like raft in flood time.

Floating ants may inspire the future of robotics and adaptive materials

Ants are extremely adaptable creatures. The little critters are one of the strongest animals in relation to their size, being able to carry 50 times their own body weight. They are also the longest living insect, with some species living for around 30 years. However, the teamwork these tiny animals Read More...

Octopus fossil limestone

Scientists discover an octopus from before the dinosaurs

They are alarmingly intelligent and can solve puzzles. They can change their color to blend into their surroundings and they can squeeze themselves through tiny spaces. Is it any wonder that octopuses, being some of the most adaptable creatures on the planet, may even pre-date the Read More...

Aging well on a beach

Scientists gain ground in the race to reverse aging

So many of us do so much to keep ourselves healthy and live long lives. We exercise, we hydrate, we eat right, and we avoid harmful substances. There are so many things we can do to keep ourselves vital for a long time — there are whole industries aimed just at making us look fit — but time Read More...

co2 line graph being drawn in decline on a chalk board

This startup turns CO2 into jet fuel and plastics

The impressive Bay Area-based startup, Twelve, is on a mission to replace petrochemicals at a large scale so that it can significantly slash global energy emissions—something that we urgently need to do for our species’ survival. Converting CO2 into something useful How will they do it? Read More...

Electric vehicle charging home

What if you could power your home with your car?

One of the things we find reassuring about electric cars — besides the fact that they produce fewer emissions and don’t hurt our planet nearly as much — is the idea that we could charge one from our very own homes instead of having to drive to a gas station. What if it worked the other Read More...

Woman in a blue shirt hugging a yellow pillow on a grey couch.

This breathing cushion could ease your anxiety

Just reading the news, you might occasionally feel your anxiety rise. That’s why The Optimist Daily exists, to counter all this worry by refocusing your worldview on the good that’s going on. As we’ve shown again and again, there is a lot! We are not the only ones battling for people’s Read More...

Happy pigs on pig farm in a muddy yard with a fence.

Scientists can now decode pigs' emotions

We can clearly see animals' emotions through their behavior, whether that’s dogs filling up with glee when we grab their leash or elephants mourning a loss in their herd, there is clearly some feeling going on here. While communication between animals and humans remains at a divide, we do Read More...

Man wearing the MagTrack technology, squinting as an example of a facial expression the technology can recognize.

Headgear gives people with paralysis control of their devices

For individuals living with paralysis, everyday activities can be a challenge. Scientists across the globe are constantly innovating to improve the quality of life for those with impaired mobility, like this implant that can turn people’s brain signals into words we’ve previously reported Read More...

Scientist in white lab coat and gloves dropping chemical liquid to flask with lab glassware.

Scientists redesigned this protein to make gene editing safer

The Optimist Daily has reported on numerous potential uses of the biotechnology, CRISPR-Cas9, these include restoring lost vision in rare eye diseases, reducing obesity, and many more. This treatment may be the future of medicine, carrying the potential to save countless lives in the future for Read More...