Today’s Solutions: January 07, 2025


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Asian woman sits on bed and coughs

Anti-inflammatory molecule could revolutionize asthma treatment

People with asthma will often suffer, at varying degrees, from symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheeziness, and bouts of coughing that stem from overactivation of the immune system when exposed to allergens like dust, smoke, and pollution. Many of us may actually remember having asthma as a Read More...

Green ripening soybean field, agricultural landscape

Scientists improve crops without genetic modification

The verdict on genetically modified crops is still not settled globally, with some countries allowing their use and some wary of their potential environmental impact. A new process might make the promise of scientific advancement in food production more digestible. Scientists from the RIKEN Read More...

Man suffering from itching skin wearing a black t shirt.

How do we measure itchiness?

Doctors commonly ask their patients to rate their pain from one to 10, although it is rare that we would be asked to scale our itchiness in this way. Gauging an itch Some readers may be wondering, why do we even need an itchiness scale? If you've ever had a condition which causes you to Read More...

Infinity Train Green future

This “Infinity Train” only needs gravity to recharge

Australian mining company Fortescue and Fortescue Future Industries are collaborating with UK-based Williams Advanced Engineering to create the Infinity Train—the world’s first battery-electric self-charging train. How does it work? A zero-carbon electric train that never needs to stop to Read More...

Water droplets on Lotus leaf, the inspiration for RepelWrap, a novel repellent material

This novel pathogen-repellent material is inspired by lotus leaves

Here at The Optimist Daily, we like to keep our readers informed about new innovative materials that are being developed, such as roads made from diaper pellets, ultra-strong glass inspired by mollusk shells, and even solar capture materials that can be integrated into clothing. This time, Read More...

Maglev Train Shanghai

8 Amazing public transportation innovations

In the modern age, public transportation is an important solution for reducing emissions. Travel is increasing, with many commuting for work and others heading on vacation. At the same time, eco-friendly travel is a major consideration for the modern mover. Cities and countries around the globe are Read More...

Solar panels water crops

Even in deserts, this system can generate water and electricity

The extreme heat of the world’s deserts makes maintaining a water supply and a steady supply of electricity difficult. At The Optimist Daily, we’ve written about optimizing solar panels with agricultural systems before. However, this experimental hybrid system from King Abdullah University of Read More...

New blood vessel formation, 3d illustration.

Doctors can see blood vessels in new ways with this technique

Imaging blood vessels is harder than you might think. Information about the surrounding structures and cells in the tissue have to be imaged multiple times, at multiple angles, and in multiple conditions. This layered process leaves scientists having to piece together separate images and Read More...

Canals of Amsterdam

Automated and eco-friendly! “Green” water taxi launches in Amsterdam

In 2020, The Optimist Daily wrote about a fully automated water cab in development by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. In October 2021, prototype models of the Roboat were launched and are now navigating Amsterdam’s Read More...

Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris) Adult Female hawling out during molting season. Año Nuevo State Reserve, Pescadero, California, USA.

Study shows female elephant seals have built-in GPS

Most of the year pregnant female elephant seals are journeying 10,000 kilometers for 240 days across the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. This trek is not only long and has to be perfectly timed so the mothers can give birth within five days of their arrival to the breeding beaches at Año Nuevo Read More...