Today’s Solutions: September 24, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Egg whites whipped into foam with stiff peaks

Scientists use fungus to develop a sustainable alternative to egg whites

Because it contains a lot of protein, egg white powder is among the most common ingredients used in the food industry. Rearing the chickens necessary for sourcing those egg whites, however, has a significant environmental footprint. As demand for egg white powder is only expected to grow in the Read More...

An artist's depiction of a red supergiant star before it explodes.

Scientists record events before a supernova for first time

Before now, researchers have never been able to watch a supernova (a massive explosion of a dying star) as it plays out. Although, as the chaotic aftermath is widely available in the universe to observe, scientists could take a pretty good guess at what actually occurs during the deadly Read More...

Person's blueish-grey eye looking up.

Study: New insights into sight loss for stroke survivors

Strokes are extremely prevalent According to the CDC, IN the United States someone has a stroke every 40 seconds. For survivors, the lasting medical complications range between each individual including loss of speech, limb control, memory, and sight to name a few. Scientists know the latter Read More...

A Hakea tree stands alone in the Australian outback during sunset.

Rare fossils found at ancient Australian site

In Australia a number of rare and fragile fossils have been recently excavated by paleontologists. This region in New South Wales was famously called the “dead heart of Australia” over 100 years ago, due to the numerous fossil sites of ancient species found all over the area. The results of Read More...

Crowded room full of people.

How we recognize one voice in a noisy crowd

Whether we’re at a busy restaurant, birthday party, or on public transport, sometimes our brain needs to focus on a single speaker amongst a multitude of background noise. A group of scientists from the University of Rochester Medical Center, wanted to see exactly how our incredible organ Read More...

A closeup of a giraffe looking into the camera

Study: Scientists successfully distinguish zoo animals from airborne DNA

Earlier last year, a team of scientists demonstrated that animal DNA can be collected from the air — a breakthrough expected to significantly improve conservation efforts, and even potentially revolutionize forensics and epidemiology. Now, scientists decided to take it a step further by Read More...

People walking, jogging, and cycling on a pedestrian street in Italy

European cities could see a lot less cars on the roads in the near future

As local governments are finally coming to the realization that prioritizing cycling and walking over driving can tremendously benefit their residents, many are considering implementing permanent policies to tackle car-centric city development. In a bid to accelerate the adoption of such policies, Read More...

Surgical stitches with an attched electronic sensor to monitor deep surgical sites.

This biosensor can detect infections post surgery

Preventing infection is vital after surgery to avoid a range of complications. Currently, to monitor the progress deeper in the surgical wound a clinician needs to assess the site or expensive radiological tests need to occur. Unfortunately, both tend to fail detection of an infection before it Read More...

elderly gentleman takes a walk with his dog

Simple movement is connected to better brain health in older adults

It goes without saying that practicing regular exercise offers plentiful benefits for our overall health, but as we age, engaging in the same exercise regimes that we did in our youth might not be possible or even advisable. However, a new study focused on people in their eighties found that Read More...

An asteroid in front of a starry sky.

AI simulation can model potential asteroid collisions

Asteroid impact Asteroids have hit the Earth before and it is possible they could again. Although, preparation and small interventions could make the difference for humans to avoid total annihilation. A research team from the National Institute of Natural Hazards in China has recently constructed Read More...