Today’s Solutions: September 24, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Doctors discussing treatment for a brain aneurysm.

A new approach to treating brain aneurysms

A brain aneurysm is defined as a weakness in a blood vessel. This area then becomes susceptible to filling with blood and creating a dome, just like a balloon. Causing increased pressure in the brain and loss of oxygen to the surrounding cells, leading to sometimes deadly outcomes. A wide-necked Read More...

The red giant Mars.

Who made it to Mars in 2021?

The red giant Mars has fascinated humans for many years, due to its intriguing habitable climate, the possibility for ancient life, and interesting findings of water and methane. The planet only aligns with Earth well enough for interplanetary launch once every 26 months. Therefore, space agencies Read More...

Japan unveils world’s first

Japan unveils world’s first ever bus and train vehicle

Last week, the town of Kaiyo in Tokushima Prefecture unveiled the world’s first dual-mode vehicle (DMV) — a hybrid between a bus and a train. The hybrid traction vehicle is intended to attract more tourists to the town as well as help transport people between hard-to-reach areas. The project Read More...

Andes Cordillera mountains with snow in Mendoza, Argentina.

Ancient nits aid uncovering of human ancestry

To uncover information about ancient genomes scientists have previously relied on fossils of bones and teeth. Alongside ethical issues, the problem with this is most genetic sequences obtained from this old DNA are fragmented and incomplete. A group of researchers from the University of Reading and Read More...

Single pearl in mollusk shell.

The secret symmetry of pearls revealed

Pearls are created when an irritant, such as a grain of sand or debris, gets trapped inside a mollusk. As protection, a smooth layer of mineral and protein called nacre forms around it. Humans have been fascinated by these iridescent beauties since we first discovered them thousands of years ago. Read More...

two diesel pumps side by side

New Jersey is first eastern state to start phasing out diesel powered trucks

In the latter half of December 2021, New Jersey became the first east coast state to begin the process of phasing out diesel-powered trucks (meaning anything bigger than a delivery van). The plan, which is based on California’s Advanced Clean Trucks rule (ACT), is expected to roll out in 2025 and Read More...

Black and white analog clocks with synchronized time.

Study reveals how organisms can synchronize behavior

Synchronized behavior can be seen all over the place. From fireflies flashing in unison, to birds flying in their V structure, to menstrual synchronization in women. In fact, human synchronization can be observed in many social behavioral circumstances, such as; walking in time, having the same Read More...

Practitioner administering ultrasound treatment in the brain to an elderly patient.

Ultrasound could be used to treat addiction and OCD

The 'credit assignment' problem refers to when someone attributes an event to the wrong outcome. For example, passing an exam and instead of assigning your success to the many hours of studying put in, you put it down to the number of times you brushed your teeth that day. This psychological Read More...

Two scientists show off new biodegradable and antimicrobial food packaging

Scientists create bacteria-killing biodegradable food packaging

A team of scientists from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in the US have developed an astounding material: food packaging that is not only biodegradable but antimicrobial as well. This means that the packaging, which is Read More...

A person in a grey t-shirt measures their belly fat with a yellow measuring tape.

CRISPR-Cas9 may be able to solve obesity

Cases of obesity have been steadily increasing worldwide, especially during the pandemic. Lack of physical activity through more office-based jobs, plus a lack of access to fresh healthy food means more and more people are experiencing obesity. Having too much fat on your body can be extremely Read More...