Learn about the latest astronomy news and discoveries around humanity’s endeavor beyond the final frontier.
Humans are still trying their hardest to figure out how gravity works, with good reason. Gravity is one of the most fundamental forces in the universe and once we understand it, we can use it to our advantage. For example, in creative inventions like this anti-gravity solar panel that both absorbs Read More...
Space junk The amount of satellites being sent into space, to keep connecting the wider world and provide humans with the latest technology, is exponentially increasing. Along with this comes an increase in the amount of space debris circling the Earth. These expensive pieces of equipment can sit Read More...
NASA’s Perseverance rover has been wandering around Mars since it reached the planet on February 18th, 2021. Here at The Optimist Daily, we have tried to keep our readers up to date with the latest exciting mission information collected by this mighty machine. From its landing, first rock sample Read More...
To the delight of astronomy lovers worldwide, a team of scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has recently unveiled the largest and most detailed 3D map of the universe ever. Thanks to data collected by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), the astonishing image Read More...
In our galaxy’s galactic halo, there are 12 streams of stars orbiting. These burning balls of gas are actually being torn apart and their energy is absorbed into the Milky Way. In other words, they are the galaxy’s food source. Using the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT), a team has finally got Read More...
Before now, researchers have never been able to watch a supernova (a massive explosion of a dying star) as it plays out. Although, as the chaotic aftermath is widely available in the universe to observe, scientists could take a pretty good guess at what actually occurs during the deadly Read More...
Asteroid impact Asteroids have hit the Earth before and it is possible they could again. Although, preparation and small interventions could make the difference for humans to avoid total annihilation. A research team from the National Institute of Natural Hazards in China has recently constructed Read More...
The red giant Mars has fascinated humans for many years, due to its intriguing habitable climate, the possibility for ancient life, and interesting findings of water and methane. The planet only aligns with Earth well enough for interplanetary launch once every 26 months. Therefore, space agencies Read More...
As most of us were celebrating Christmas morning in December 2021, NASA was celebrating a different event: the successful launch of the James Webb Space Telescope. The launch marks the beginning of a highly-anticipated NASA mission that aims to transform how we study deep space. First conceived Read More...
During the health crisis, most of the residents on planet Earth have finally had a taste of what it’s like to be an astronaut in space. No, not because we’ve all had the chance to launch ourselves into “the last frontier,” but because we’ve grappled with loneliness, isolation, and Read More...