Today’s Solutions: January 19, 2025


There has been no era like ours for the rapid development of technology. Stay updated on the hottest trends and advancements from all over the world.

Anna Maria Coclite from TU Graz and her team have succeeded in producing a 3in1 hybrid material for the next generation of smart, artificial skin.

This smart skin is more sensitive than your fingertip

Nature has done an excellent job at creating the human's largest sensory organ, the skin, which allows us to feel heat, pressure, and humidity. However, a research lab at the Institute of Solid State Physics in TU Graz has invented a smart skin that can do all this and more, going above and beyond Read More...

close up of woman holding burrito or wrap

Engineering students create Tastee Tape—edible tape to keep burritos secure

Do you love burritos but don’t have the restaurant-grade wrapping skills to, you know, keep it together? A group of Maryland college students has come up with a deliciously ingenious solution: edible burrito tape. Student Erin Walsh, a member of the all-woman team of Johns Hopkins University Read More...

Contact lens

This contact lens releases glaucoma medication

While it is treatable, glaucoma remains a serious eye disease that can damage the optic nerve and lead to blindness if left untreated. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of the disease, and research indicates that it affects 10 percent of those over 75.  Researchers from China have Read More...

Nighttime Solar Panels

The pursuit of nocturnal solar technology is growing

Last month, we wrote a story on solar cells developed by Stanford University that could draw a small amount of power at night, when most would think solar panels would be useless.  The endeavor to create solar panels that can draw additional power at night is growing. Now, a collaboration of Read More...

Time Machine

The TILT Time Machine: for those who need help most

Recovery from trauma or addiction can be a painstaking and rigorous process that doesn’t just involve physical recovery. It involves tough psychological work that people can go through with the help of a therapist, but largely progress is made on one’s own.  That doesn’t mean they can’t Read More...

Full bowl of strawberries lying on a wooden table

This invention extends strawberry shelf life

About a third of our food goes to waste — that’s problematic not only because those bites could instead go toward feeding people in need but also because food waste is responsible for about 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. A lot of that food ends up as waste because we fail to Read More...

E. Coli Bacterium

This swimming robot shows how bacteria move

We all know it takes some practice learning to swim in the ocean with waves and riptides pulling at us. With some practice and experience, though, it becomes a fun, even fulfilling pastime. Now, imagine how hard it would be if the ocean were tar instead of water.  This is essentially what it is Read More...

Traffic reduction

MIT system uses machine-learning to reduce traffic and car emissions

As if idling in a line of cars at a red light forever wasn’t bothersome enough, vehicles emit greenhouse gasses while they’re stopped in traffic. Not only that, exposure to excess vehicle emissions while idling in traffic can be a major health risk.  What if drivers could time their trips Read More...

High magnification micrograph showing the inner layers of retina.

How scientists are bringing human eye cells back from the dead

Scientists from Switzerland and the US were able to achieve something miraculous—some might even say Biblical: bringing dead human cells back to life! The team published a study that opens by defining death as the irreversible cessation of circulatory, respiratory, or brain activity. The paper Read More...

New Zealand

New Zealand passes landmark climate legislation, helping switch to EVs

New Zealand has one of the highest per capita carbon emissions rates in the world, but it still has a strong reputation for environmentally responsible behavior. In the spirit of the latter, it plans to help with the former and has just passed landmark legislation that may set a standard for other Read More...