There has been no era like ours for the rapid development of technology. Stay updated on the hottest trends and advancements from all over the world.
The world over, researchers and scientists are looking for effective and economical ways to pull CO2 out of the air to mitigate the effects of climate change. There are many promising solutions out there, but the amount of CO2 that needs to be withdrawn is substantial and the process of pulling it Read More...
You may get tired of hearing it, but knowledge is useful. It’s something we at The Optimist Daily try to empower you with every day, and it is something NASA understands the value of in plotting our climate-related future. That’s why the GOES-T Satellite’s launch last Tuesday is so Read More...
Most young people hardly think about their joints. They wonder why adults may groan as they pull themselves up from the couch, wince while climbing steep stairs, or say something along the lines of “oh, my knees!” at random—until, that is, the day inevitably comes when they experience joint Read More...
Have you ever been driving in poor visibility, getting a little nervous being unable to see the road ahead? Well, a new invention from The University of Texas and Oklahoma State University may just put a stop to these scary journeys. Impressively, this microchip can create images through various Read More...
In recent years, an increasing number of startups have started working on accelerating the evolution of plant-based meat alternatives into something that consumers wouldn’t be able to tell apart from the real thing. Few, however, have ventured to find a substitute for more high-profile meat cuts Read More...
The verdict on genetically modified crops is still not settled globally, with some countries allowing their use and some wary of their potential environmental impact. A new process might make the promise of scientific advancement in food production more digestible. Scientists from the RIKEN Read More...
Doctors commonly ask their patients to rate their pain from one to 10, although it is rare that we would be asked to scale our itchiness in this way. Gauging an itch Some readers may be wondering, why do we even need an itchiness scale? If you've ever had a condition which causes you to Read More...
Here at The Optimist Daily, we like to keep our readers informed about new innovative materials that are being developed, such as roads made from diaper pellets, ultra-strong glass inspired by mollusk shells, and even solar capture materials that can be integrated into clothing. This time, Read More...
In the modern age, public transportation is an important solution for reducing emissions. Travel is increasing, with many commuting for work and others heading on vacation. At the same time, eco-friendly travel is a major consideration for the modern mover. Cities and countries around the globe are Read More...
The extreme heat of the world’s deserts makes maintaining a water supply and a steady supply of electricity difficult. At The Optimist Daily, we’ve written about optimizing solar panels with agricultural systems before. However, this experimental hybrid system from King Abdullah University of Read More...