Today’s Solutions: December 18, 2024

Social Justice

Read about the newest efforts to overthrow systemic inequalities and address injustices in terms of wealth, opportunities, and privileges to make the world a better place.

Meet the male doulas in Senega

Meet the male doulas in Senegal fighting for gender equality

In the Republic of Senegal, there is a strict tradition that dictates that men must only spend time with men and women with women. This arrangement is even upheld in the home, which makes pregnancy and parenthood difficult for couples to navigate. Men who take their wives to medical appointments Read More...

Celebrate Black History Month

Celebrate Black History Month with these great reads

Earlier this week we shared some tips for reading more this year. If you’re looking for page turners that also honor Black History Month, look no further! We’ve got a list of great Black History Month reads from novels to nonfiction and everything in between.  The Warmth of Other Suns by Read More...

Disney+ protects kids from wat

Disney+ protects kids from watching its old content with racist stereotypes

The pandemic relieves us of a lot of guilt when we choose to indulge in television series and movie marathons in our spare time. Many families with kids (and even those without) are probably enjoying Disney’s relatively new streaming platform Disney+, which allows us to watch all the classics as Read More...

How an internal culture change

How an internal culture change at Netflix is helping it fight inequality

This past year has renewed and strengthened the fight against the longstanding issues of systemic racism and inequality, motivating companies to make noticeable strides toward inclusion. Studies show that businesses grow significantly and that innovation thrives with the inclusion of more Read More...

Austin redirects police fundin

Austin redirects police funding to buy transitional housing for homeless

Last week, the Austin City Council voted unanimously to purchase the Texas Bungalow Hotel & Suites for $6.7 million. The hotel is slated to become transitional housing for people experiencing homelessness. Where did the money to buy it come from? Redirected money from the city’s police Read More...

Illinois directs marijuana sal

Illinois directs marijuana sales revenue to areas harmed by war on drugs

One argument for the legalization of marijuana is the opportunity to fund critical community projects and organizations with the tax revenue from legal sales. The state of Illinois is doing just this and they are being very precise with where this money goes. The state is distributing $31.5 million Read More...

US Government to discontinue u

US Government to discontinue use of privately-operated prisons

A big hurdle in criminal justice reform in the United States is the abolishment of for-profit private prisons. In a system that already disproportionately convicts and incarcerates people of color, for-profit systems further exploit and profit off this system of injustice. As a major step towards Read More...

How raising a tax credit for s

How raising a tax credit for struggling families can reduce child neglect

Our children are our future, but sadly enough, child neglect is a major problem in the US. In fact, an estimated one-third of children are subject to a child protective services investigation before the age of 18. Research has found that the stress of poverty is often linked to child abuse, which Read More...

Finally! Illinois becomes firs

Finally! Illinois becomes first state to end cash bail system

In a huge win for racial justice, the state of Illinois is on the verge of becoming the first state to end wealth-based pre-trial detention. For those being accused of a crime in the US, the general rule is that you are innocent until proven guilty. Despite this, courtrooms across the US operate Read More...

Harriet Tubman will soon repla

Harriet Tubman will soon replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill

With Black History Month just around the corner, we are celebrating early with the news that Harriet Tubman will finally replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. Tubman will be the first woman, the first person of color, and the first activist to take a place of honor on a bill. Petitions to Read More...