Education propels change. Stay up to date on the latest educational developments near you and around the world from preschool to post-grad. Here, you'll find out why equitable quality education is essential for fostering healthy and resilient societies.
Here at The Optimist Daily, we are always excited to feature solutions that elegantly address multiple problems at once. That’s why we were so pleased to interview Katie Diasti, the founder of earth-friendly period care company Viv for your V on our podcast, The Optimist Daily Update. The Read More...
We can take up astronomy now, buy a good telescope, and go out on the right night to look up at the sky and marvel at the gaseous planets of our own solar system. These are of course Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. However, we average enthusiasts would need some different equipment, and Read More...
Dinosaurs pervade the human imagination. More than that, their fossils give us an understanding of our planet and life’s early history. A recently discovered fossil of thescelosaurus neglectus gave paleontologists a look into dinosaurs’ last moments before the asteroid struck, the fossil having Read More...
As we learn to live with Covid-19, many of us are dusting off our suitcases and getting ready to embark out into the world once again. However, travel isn’t always the most accessible or welcoming activity for everyone, so today we’d like to highlight three trendsetters working to make travel Read More...
While there is a common misconception that those who struggle with obesity are simply careless with their diets or aren’t working out enough, the truth is that there are a number of complex factors that contribute to weight issues. Sometimes, certain operations or devices can help people lose Read More...
Thanks to carbon dating and a number of other scientific detecting techniques, we can sometimes see moments in time and deduce exactly what happened. It’s a little like solving a crime from 66 million years ago, and, in this case, the crime was the asteroid that killed the Read More...
Everyone experiences boredom at times—boredom probably plagued a great many of us during the peak of pandemic restrictions and isolation. However, a new study reveals that some people are less likely to suffer from boredom than others. “Chronic boredom, often referred to as ‘boredom Read More...
A beautiful thing about democracy is that it is inherently self-correcting. Democratic constitutions survive because they change with the times. They adapt to new environments. That’s why they’re called “amendments” to the constitution. Chile is joining a wave of constitutional change in Read More...
Whether you're a lawyer, a teacher, or even a zookeeper, strong writing skills are critical for success throughout the many branches of society. If you want your words to stand out in this text-based world, these nine simple tips will help you sharpen your writing skills. Take some advice from Read More...
Our society often forgets to involve youth as an equal voice in our discussions about how our world ought to function. Young minds are our future artists, entrepreneurs, and legislators, and they need to learn to care about what’s going on in the world today so they can further our work tomorrow. Read More...