Today’s Solutions: January 22, 2025


There has been no era like ours for the rapid development of technology. Stay updated on the hottest trends and advancements from all over the world.

The tech from self-driving car

The tech from self-driving cars could help prevent wildfires in the future

Last year, California had its most destructive and deadliest wildfire year on record. Increasingly dry, warm, and windy weather conditions wrought by climate change are a big reason why. But the immediate cause is often power lines: Downed lines that come into contact with nearby trees can create Read More...

Google is predicting wind patt

Google is predicting wind patterns a day in advance so grids can rely on it more

Wind power has become increasingly popular, but its success is limited by the fact that wind comes and goes as it pleases, making it hard for power grids to count on the renewable energy and less likely to fully embrace it. While we can't control the wind, Google has an idea for the next best Read More...

Mexico’s 3D-printed neighbor

Mexico’s 3D-printed neighborhood for impoverished families is coming to life

On May 13th of this year, the top story of the Optimist Daily was about a nonprofit called New Story that had plans to build the world’s first 3D-printed neighborhood for poor people in Latin America. Well, we’re excited to tell you that the first homes of this neighborhood have been Read More...

How virtual reality is helping

How virtual reality is helping patients conquer their fears

Technology has reached a point where it feels as if we are truly living in the future. A testament to that is the fact that virtual reality is on-track to receiving FDA approval for the treatment of a variety of anxiety disorders.  Virtual reality is being used as a tool for exposure therapy, an Read More...

An algorithm that screens for

An algorithm that screens for heart failure is getting fast-tracked by the FDA

An algorithm has been developed that makes screening for heart failure more accessible—both in traditional clinics and telehealth settings. The algorithm, which was created by digital health company Eko and Mayo Clinic, can use as little as 15 seconds of electrocardiogram (ECG) data to Read More...

Conservationists are using a c

Conservationists are using a cool AI database to protect wildlife

As part of researching wildlife habitats, conservationists use sensor devices called camera traps to identify which species are living in certain areas. Though these cameras can be extremely useful, they take hundreds of thousands of pictures that often don’t actually feature any wildlife. Read More...

This incredible AI-powered leg

This incredible AI-powered leg helps amputees by thinking on its own

Prosthetics have come to life in a variety of ways, with recent evolvements looking more like a sci-fi depiction of the future. And most of this technology is designed to mimic our body and bring back the function that was lost. But what if we went further? What if instead of relying on our body to Read More...

Vera and Google team up to cre

Vera and Google team up to create transparent prison data to shape reform policy

The US is in need of a better criminal justice system (71 percent of Americans agree), but in order to make this happen, we need better, more accurate and transparent data on prison populations. That’s the message from Vera, a nonprofit focused on tackling America’s most pressing injustices. Read More...

The Ocean Cleanup device has r

The Ocean Cleanup device has returned with its first load of plastic

After months of research, failures, and reconfigurations, and weeks spent at sea traveling to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and back, The Ocean Cleanup’s device—a 2,000 foot-long floating tube that skims the surface of the water to catch plastic trash—has returned to shore. And with it, Read More...

The FrogPhone: Biologists crea

The FrogPhone: Biologists create clever device to monitor health of habitats

Frog population levels are a key indicator of an area's ecological health, and one of the best ways of gauging those levels involves estimating the number of frog vocalizations that are being made at one time. Typically, biologists have to wait around at frog habitats, monitoring the amphibians' Read More...