Today’s Solutions: January 21, 2025


There has been no era like ours for the rapid development of technology. Stay updated on the hottest trends and advancements from all over the world.

Futuristic self-driving Merced

Futuristic self-driving Mercedes spotted on San Francisco streets

It starts becoming a regular feature in the streets of San Francisco: driverless cars. Google is known to test their autonomous electric cars in the city. But the Google cars are regular cars, like Toyota Priuses, with a kind of radar on their roof. But here’s something very different: a Read More...

Robot helps plants follow the

Robot helps plants follow the sun

Some plants prefer the sun, some prefer shade, and some prefer both but at different times of the day. Who has time to move their plants around the house, optimizing sun exposure? No one. That’s why two artists from Perdue University created the Soybot, a planter box on a small mobile robot that Read More...

App connects consumers with li

App connects consumers with likeminded businesses

Most of us want to avoid companies that practice child labor, don’t pay their workers livable wages, and don’t conduct trade fairly. But how do we know which businesses should get our patronage and which should be picketed against? Aside from extensive online research, making this call has been Read More...

Drone hobbyist help disaster r

Drone hobbyist help disaster relief

The potential for drones to help with disaster relief is quickly being realized. UAViators is calling any drone hobbyist willing to use their flying abilities to help first responders speed up the time it takes to find victims in a disaster. Drones would be used to capture aerial images to quickly Read More...

Mobile game saves energy

Mobile game saves energy

Often we talk about the need to cut emissions that should be driven by regulations set in place by policy makers. Rarely do we place the blame on our own shoulders when the facts are undeniable: 38 percent of greenhouse emissions come from people wasting energy. With that in mind game developers Read More...

Blood tests with a smartphone

Blood tests with a smartphone in 15 minutes

Blood tests can take weeks to get results, and the equipment to conduct the tests costs upwards of $18,000—but that all will soon be changing. Scientists from Columbia University have invented a smart phone attachment that can be powered by any headphone jack and diagnoses HIV and syphilis in 15 Read More...

Dutch solar car wins top tech

Dutch solar car wins top tech award

The winner for Best Technology Achievement at this year’s Tech Crunch Crunchies, a ceremony that awards the top tech breakthroughs that occurred over the past year, was given to a Dutch solar car called Stella. Stella is a four-seat solar car capable of travelling up to 500 miles on a single Read More...

Online community connects thos

Online community connects those in need to people with 3D printers

The implications and possibilities of 3D printers are just now being realized. Prosthetic devices are expensive, and often unavailable to those who need them most. E-Enable is a Google+ group that connects designers and engineers who have 3D printers to those who need prosthetic limbs the Read More...

Virtual reality makes you more

Virtual reality makes you more empathetic

Walking a mile in someone’s shoes is little more than a mental exercise. But what if you could literally see what someone else sees? Or hear what they hear the same way they heard it? Companies are honing in on virtual reality technology, and new form of journalism is sprouting from it. It’s Read More...

App lets you lend your eyes to

App lets you lend your eyes to the blind

Blind people are as independent and able as any seeing person. But I could imagine there are times when it would be helpful to be able to “borrow” someone’s eyes. A new app called Be My Eyes lets you do that, not literally of course. The way it works is Be My Eyes connects blind people to Read More...