Today’s Solutions: January 27, 2025


There has been no era like ours for the rapid development of technology. Stay updated on the hottest trends and advancements from all over the world.

Woman using her smartphone out in the city

Graphene could replace rare metal needed for our touchscreens

What do touchscreen, LED lighting, and solar cells have in common? A rare metal called indium, which is a key ingredient in their manufacturing process. Indium is regarded as a technology critical element and is used in the production of thin films of indium tin oxide (ITO). Because of their high Read More...

Everdrone autonomous drone

An EMADE autonomous drone helps save the life of cardiac arrest patient

Last month in Sweden, an elderly man experienced a cardiac arrest while shoveling snow. Today, this man is still alive thanks in large part to Everdrone’s Emergency Medical Aerial Delivery (EMADE) service, a dispatch service that uses drones to fly in defibrillators. An individual experiencing Read More...

Man wearing harness in a park

Smart harness helps visually impaired people avoid collisions while walking

As many automotive companies scramble to shape the future of mobility, self-driving cars have been one of the most talked-about topics in the tech scene in recent years. Many believe that autonomous vehicles could help solve many of the problems related to our current transportation systems in Read More...

Cute kitten looking out of a cat litter box into the camera

Key ingredient in cat litter could help reduce methane emissions

In recent years, carbon capture technologies have started playing an increasingly important role in our global quest to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. Now, researchers at MIT have started working on solving another problem — removing methane, a greenhouse gas that’s 80 Read More...


China’s “artificial sun” fusion reactor breaks yet another record

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has exciting news about its fusion reactor that it recently shared in a release. The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) fusion reactor successfully sustained a plasma temperature of 120 million degrees Celsius for 1,056 seconds, effectively Read More...

Animation of Ocean Battery energy storage system

Ocean Battery could help solve the renewable energy storage problem

The lack of adequate energy storage systems is one of the biggest problems associated with the rise of renewables such as wind and solar in recent years. In an effort to provide a solution, a Dutch startup has invented the Ocean Battery — an energy storage system that operates by the same Read More...

Blue helix human DNA structure.

World’s smallest antenna created from DNA

Scientists, from the Université de Montréal, have constructed the world’s tiniest antenna in an incredible experiment. This nanoantenna is made entirely from DNA and its purpose is to monitor structural changes of protein molecules in never before achieved detail. What is the device made out Read More...

surgeons operate heart transplant

Doctors transplant pig's heart into human patient for the first time ever

A remarkable milestone in medicine was reached by doctors in Maryland who have successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig’s heart into a human patient in a do-or-die situation. David Bennet, a 57-year-old handyman, was the recipient of this life-saving operation. He knew that the Read More...

Study: Goldfish can be taught

Study: Goldfish can be taught to operate a vehicle

This interesting study, carried out by scientists at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, looked at how capable a fish out of water really is. In an effort to understand animals' navigational capabilities the team used a goldfish as a subject, teaching it to drive a Fish Operated Vehicle Read More...

Plastic on conveyor belt at recycling facility

Scientists develop tech that can separate 12 different types of plastics

Plastic is a much more complex material than you may think. Because it comes in many different types with varied compositions and characteristics, plastic is difficult to separate and recycle at the end of its life. Although, new technology developed by scientists in Denmark may soon change Read More...