There has been no era like ours for the rapid development of technology. Stay updated on the hottest trends and advancements from all over the world.
If you’ve ever navigated an unfamiliar public transportation system, you likely relied heavily on signage to find your way around, but for the visually impaired, public transportation systems are often far less accessible. A new navigation app, NaviLens, hopes to change this by providing auditory Read More...
Mussels are fascinating creatures that who's powerful role in our ecosystems is often overlooked. We’ve written previously about how mussels inspired highly effective surgical glue as well as how they can accurately gauge levels of pollution and identify contaminants in underwater Read More...
Food waste is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and a misuse of valuable resources. While at-home strategies like meal planning and freezing greens can help your family cut down your food waste footprint, it’s not always easy to use up every last grocery item before they go Read More...
Imagine sending and receiving voice messages via your favorite sweater. Or watching a show on a display that is simultaneously the fabric of your trousers. This outlandish idea may actually be part of the future of fashion. Scientists have developed smart textiles that, like other advanced Read More...
Water conservation is a pillar of environmentalism and critical for protecting the Earth's dwindling fresh water supply. We've featured desalination solutions that are aiding in this effort, but today we're focusing on localized water treatment as a path to water security. Startup Epic Read More...
While exoskeletons have proved incredibly useful in recent years by enabling people with disabilities to move around more easily, they still have some drawbacks. A research team at the University of Waterloo in Canada is looking to address these issues by integrating smart cameras and AI into the Read More...
Apps and wearable devices are rapidly gaining popularity among health-conscious millennials and Gen Z, but what about older adults? According to researchers from the University of Texas, an easy-to-use exercise app for seniors can greatly reduce their risk of falls by guiding them through daily Read More...
From germs to dust mites to dead skin cells, your bed sheets quickly accumulate a lot of nasty things you can’t see. That’s why experts recommend washing them as often as once a week. That’s a lot of water and time wasted, so wouldn’t it be better if we reinvented the bedsheet? That’s Read More...
We recently shared an article about the EU’s new right to repair laws which aim to push companies to produce goods that can be easily repaired, rather than replaced, when they malfunction. Whether you live in the EU or not, a new laptop is hitting the market that will bring repairability to all Read More...
AI technology and robotics have seen a surge in development in recent years and are slowly making their way from the fringes of mainstream culture into our homes. One of these machines is an adorable robot named Moxie. Designed by Embodied in Pasadena, California, Moxie is modeled to be a Read More...