Today’s Solutions: December 31, 2024


There has been no era like ours for the rapid development of technology. Stay updated on the hottest trends and advancements from all over the world.

MIT study: Cyborg spinach plan

MIT study: Cyborg spinach plants send emails when detecting explosives

Spinach is often touted as a superfood for its extraordinary nutritional profile. But the leafy vegetable’s abilities to impress go beyond nutrition — as recently demonstrated by MIT researchers who hacked the spinach plant to send emails. You heard that right, in a bid to break the Read More...

France introduces “repairabi

France introduces “repairability index” to bring circularity to electronics

These days it’s all too common to have a drawer of discarded cell phones and other broken electronics in our homes, but if we want our economy to become truly circular, we will have to come up with innovative ways for these electronics to be repaired and reused when they get damaged. To achieve Read More...

Startup launches first-ever co

Startup launches first-ever commercial rocket using biofuel

Beyond being a thrill to watch, rocket launches are essential for blasting spacecraft and satellites into orbit. That said, there is a big environmental cost that comes with rocket launches as it requires an incredible amount of fuel to start the ascent. Space X’s Falcon Heavy, for instance, Read More...

International cyber team takes

International cyber team takes down world’s most dangerous malware

Emotet has been described as the most dangerous malware in the world, but thanks to a joint effort between cybersecurity teams in eight countries, the malware has been successfully taken down.  The malware previously infected users’ data through email attachments and once it gained access to Read More...

MIT scientists are figuring ou

MIT scientists are figuring out how to grow wooden furniture in a lab

We’ve written a whole lot about cell-cultured meat grown in a lab, but today we’re here to tell you about an entirely different lab-grown endeavor: lab-grown wood. In an attempt to mitigate the environmental harm of the logging industry, scientists at MIT are growing wood-like plant tissue from Read More...

Is Hyundai’s incredible

Is Hyundai's incredible DAL-e robot the future of customer service?

The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed shopaholics to forfeit shopping trips in favor of making their purchases online. And when you must shop in-person for something big like a home or a car, the experience can be uncomfortable, or worse, anxiety-inducing. However, all this might be on the cusp of Read More...

This AI system reads user revi

This AI system reads user reviews to improve EV charging access

We recently shared a story about the development of an electric car battery that can be charged in just 5 minutes, but the issue of charging station accessibility still makes some drivers nervous about transitioning to an all-electric vehicle.  In an effort to improve charging station Read More...

Scientists develop a compostab

Scientists develop a compostable electronic display to help reduce e-waste

With global consumption of electronics on the rise, so is the already overwhelming amount of associated e-waste. One possible way to diminish the environmental impact of e-waste is by making electronic components biodegradable — at least that’s the line of thought of a team of scientists who Read More...

New process separates fabric m

New process separates fabric microplastics into harmless CO2 and H2O

We recently shared a story about balls of seaweed that help collect plastic from the seafloor, but the question still remains, what do we do with this plastic once we collect it? Researchers from Quebec's Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) may have an answer with their new Read More...

Japanese studio designs airles

Japanese studio designs airless soccer ball for kids in impoverished areas

One of the beautiful aspects of the sport of soccer is that you only need a ball to play, but even that can be difficult to attain in impoverished countries. And even if a ball is acquired, the ball needs to be kept inflated and will eventually deteriorate, especially when used on a rough surface. Read More...