Today’s Solutions: March 17, 2025

Election 2020

More pro sports teams are offe

More pro sports teams are offering up their empty arenas for voting

Back in July, we wrote a story about how the NBA’s Atlanta Hawks was converting its empty arena into a temporary polling station in order to attract local voters. Following Atlanta’s footsteps, another eight major pro sports teams have signed on to a plan to make their home venues available as Read More...

USPS delays cutbacks until aft

USPS delays cutbacks until after November’s election

We recently shared an article about how you can help save the US Postal Service. From grandma’s birthday cards to the integrity and safety of our elections, the USPS is a critical public service which we all rely on. Thanks to the activism and action of thousands of Americans, Postmaster General Read More...

This map tells you how to vote

This map tells you how to vote during a pandemic

Poll closures due to the pandemic combined with fears that the USPS may not be able to keep up with mail-in ballot demands has many Americans wondering how to ensure their vote is counted this November. Fortunately, a new tool is here to help you navigate voting during this unprecedented election Read More...

Data shows we could elect reco

Data shows we could elect record numbers of women to the House in 2020

In 2018, the US set a national record with 108 women being elected to the House of Representatives. In 2020, we are on track to surpass that milestone with a surge of victories by women in primaries across the country.  More than 30 states have held their primaries so far and more women have Read More...

Proposed D.C. bill would end f

Proposed D.C. bill would end felony disenfranchisement

Voting is one of the strongest tools citizens have in voicing their opinion in political leadership and legislation, but in the US where about 1 in 40 adults cannot vote due to a felony conviction, the democratic system is lacking the voice of a significant portion of the population.  To Read More...

This NBA team will turn its ar

This NBA team will turn its arena into a polling station to attract voters

Citizens in cities across America have lamented the lack of polling stations in predominately African American precincts, and Atlanta is no different. The June 9 primary elections were beset by logistical problems, with many Georgians enduring waits of several hours to vote. In an effort to help Read More...